A Lady Induces Labor 2 Weeks Early To Full-Fill Her Dying Husband Last Wish


A mother with four children had given birth to her daughter two weeks earlier than the doctors are assumed. She wants to give her husband Mark a chance to see her fifth daughter. Read the whole emotional story.

It’s a beautiful moment when a lady gives birth to a child. Especially for the couple who are going to be a parent. But in this case, a couple cried a lot after giving born to the child.

Diane, a pregnant woman, got induced two weeks before her due date when she gets to know that her sick husband Mark did not have more time left on earth.

Mark, who had beaten cancer before the birth of his baby girl, discovered he was in remission. However, months to Diane’s due date to give birth, doctors informed that Mark’s lungs were failing because of the chemotherapy he got. A problem he discovered is the father of 5 diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis.

After all of that, Mark’s family believed that he would get more days on earth after getting a suitable treatment. But how to defeat destiny? He was surviving for his last time, and his wife wants him to see their newest child.

Mark was hooked to machines and resting on a hospital bed on the day her baby Savannah arrived in their lives. 

After Savannah’s birth, Mark stayed with her for 45 minutes and looked at her with such lots of happiness and heartbreak. Mark has less than a week on the earth to live, and he didn’t want any moment to pass by.

A long day after looking into the eyes of his daughter, Mark went into a coma and survived for five days. He died five days.

It was announced that a woman was disguised as a nurse. And a baby had taken under the excuse of taking the child to see the doctor, but the woman never came back. The baby later reunited with his parents in 2015 after a DNA test.