Nightwing: Guardian Angel of Dick Grayson revealed!

Nightwing: Guardian Angel of Dick Grayson revealed!

Nightwing: Guardian Angel of Dick Grayson revealed: Dick Grayson recovers from his lengthy trial. He discovers that he had a Superhero Guardian Angel secretly looking out for him this whole time. Bruce as a watchful guardian angel.

Nightwing: Guardian Angel of Dick Grayson revealed!
Nightwing: Guardian Angel of Dick Grayson revealed!

For this past two years, Dick Grayson wanted a change. The young superhero has gone through a severe headshot from KGBeast, while he was responding to the Bat-signal with Batman. However Dick survived the trial, but he suffered severe brain trauma. The suffering lead so much that he developed a new civilian persona called Ric Grayson. Ric Grayson is more volatile and reckless than he was before. Suspending all the ties with the bat family, Ric moved to Bludhaven. Ric attempted to strike out on his own too. 

Dick as Ric Grayson 

Grayson’s brand new persona revealed to be s construct by the Court of Owls using a memory crystal to change Dick’s personality. Ric came up as a figure that would be more susceptible to the Court’s plots. The Court of Owls plotted to modify Grayson into one of their lethal Talons like His ancestor, William Cobb. 

Later on Ric managed to defeat the Court of Owl’s and retrieve the crystal. But the Joker stole it from him in the leadup to “Joker War”. Using the crystal power, Joker succeed where the Court of owls failed. Joker used it to make Ric hos own murderous Boy Wonder. Nightwing’s memories were altered using crystal power. The villain changed memories of how Ric was adopted by him when his both parents were murdered, in place of Bruce Wayne.

Nightwing: Guardian Angel of Dick Grayson revealed!
Nightwing: Guardian Angel is Bruce Wayne

Who is Ric’s Guardian Angel?

As Dick Grayson recovered his memories using the crystal power. The Dark knight aka Batman reveals to his former ward that he had secretly keeping an eye on him in Dludhaven the whole time. When Dick still haven’t recover his full memories. But Bruce still is concerned for his disciple and adopted son all this time as a watchful guardian angel.

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