What To Do If There Is A Conflict With The Teacher

Source: weareteachers.com

Surely you’ve encountered clashing situations with various people at some point in your life. We’ve all had teachers who wrongly discounted our mistakes or scolded us for no reason. You may also encounter teachers with whom you do not get along at university. What should you do if you have misgivings or even a disagreement with them?

Professional writers from writeanypapers.com provide write my paper service for students to have a look at the reasons for such situations and some strategies for avoiding confrontations with teachers or getting out of them before it’s too late. In this article, we will tell you everything in order.

Why do conflicts occur at the school/college/university at all?

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There have always been tensions between professors and students. Unfortunately, any student can find themselves in such a situation. However, if you recognize the cause early enough, you can avoid a dangerous peak.

So, why do conflicts arise in the first place at school, college, or university? After all, neither the student nor the teacher comes to class with the intention of insulting someone or causing a conflict.

One of the reasons is the decline in the teaching profession’s prestige, which causes them to lose their status as a source of authority for students. You’ve probably seen students who talk down to their professors, come in late to class, or outright mock them.

Another reason could be that students are assessed on their knowledge, and they, in turn, are clients of the service, so they evaluate what they receive.

Don’t overlook the human factor. We all have days when we wake up in a terrible mood and want to point out flaws in everything. In such cases, all you have to do is wait out the storm and everything will be OK.

However, there are also situations that are truly unjust, such as when the teacher is openly biased. But then there’s the question of how to characterize such an attitude.

How to identify teacher bias?

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Let’s first understand what bias is. It is a deliberate belittling of a particular student by an educator. For example, if you answered on an equal footing with your classmate, but he got an “excellent” and you got a “satisfactory”, or if you notice some disrespectful attitude towards you (for example, bias on the grounds of nationality or appearance) and even others notice it, then you should fight it. But first, you have to figure out what the reasons might be.

First and foremost, pay attention to your behavior. A disrespectful attitude toward the teacher and his lessons (rudeness, absenteeism, constant lateness, and so on) may result in grade drops. Because the teacher cannot reply to rudeness with rudeness because this would be unethical, grades are nearly the only option to influence such a student.

Look at how your teacher treats others if you think he’s being too strict with you. Maybe that’s how he treats everyone. Of course, such behavior spoils the group’s opinion about the teacher, and misunderstandings eventually escalate into a conflict. Remember that if a teacher is being unjust to the entire class, you have the right to go to the dean’s office altogether to have the matter resolved or to have the teacher replaced.

However, if the teacher is strict about truancy, absence of your work or failure to prepare for seminars, then his conscience is clear. However, if you do not belong to this part of your group, then their shadow can fall on you, because of which the teachers will already initially be set up in a negative way, going to you on lessons or conducting them. Because of this, the material may be explained poorly, and you will not understand anything. In this case, you just need to establish a relationship with him and show that you care about knowledge.

You can try to figure out what type of teacher yours is to figure out how to resolve the conflict. In total, there aren’t many of them.

Types of teachers and how to behave with them

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1. Fair teacher

This type of person believes that their subject is the most important in the whole school/college/university, even if he teaches you a non-core discipline. He or she will expect you to accomplish a mountain of work perfectly, badger you about minor details, and keep a tight eye on your attendance.

What to do in such a situation? There are very few options here. It is not a good idea to write everything off or let it go on its own, because one mistake might transform your subject learning into a nightmare. So you have to learn everything thoroughly.

2. Vampire teacher

After studying with such a teacher, you feel completely exhausted. But the worst thing is that if something happens in such a teacher’s life or is simply not in the mood, then they begin to exhaust the students, as they say “suck blood” and break down on the smallest things.

What we are doing here: listen to his lectures. Therefore, do everything as he says. Learn everything and show that you know and are familiar with the material.

3. Principled teacher

This type is the most dangerous of all, since you will never and for nothing prove to him his own mistakes. He will demand from you perfect knowledge of his materials, which are the only true source of knowledge. Therefore, be prepared that you will redo assignments or coursework dozens of times. It will be very exhausting and sometimes you will not have enough time for other subjects. If you have such a situation, take the help of a professional essay writer who will quickly help you with your assignments.

What’s the best way to deal with him: Your goal is to pass his exam. So in order to beat him it is important for you to show him that you are a good average student who is not a smart-ass, a truant or a nerd, but just ready to absorb all the knowledge that the teacher so diligently and eagerly teaches.

4. Young teacher

They are divided into two types: those who understand and those who think they are more important than you. The second type is quite difficult to communicate, because they turn their insecurity into aggression. But with the first type you won’t have any problems at all. Such teachers will be ready to meet you as much as possible and help you in your studies.

And how do you fight the harmful ones? Try to show them that you respect them and try to listen and do everything they require.

5. Teacher with a trick

Be prepared that there will be a lot of problems with such a person. He is enough to procrastinate, send you constantly for rework and waste all your nerve cells. In addition, he will even give you additional tasks on holidays and vacations.

So what to do? Prepare well for possible questions and try to do everything perfectly.

Let’s recap and decide what exactly is best not to do

What you don’t need to do:

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  • Rudeness. Absolutely no one likes that. Especially in relation to a teacher with years of experience.
  • Constant lateness. Some teachers will tell you their attitude right at the first class. For example, some allow you to be 5-10 minutes late, while others lock the door right away with the keys and don’t let anyone in.
  • Loud talking. This is also a manifestation of disrespect. It also disrupts the teacher a lot, which makes him angry. And don’t doubt that he will be able to figure out exactly who is talking, even on the lesson with the whole course.
  • Silly questions. Of course, everyone can have these, but the main thing is not to overdo it. In addition, you may be remembered as a misunderstanding student who constantly interrupts lectures with their misunderstandings.

Even avoiding such simple things will greatly improve the conflict situation. Remember: the teacher is human too, which means that you can try to establish a relationship with him or her. Peaceful negotiation and a good attitude can produce even very good results.