How Your Health Can Be Connected to Your Floors – 2024 Guide


Homeowners far and wide know the importance of the different parts of their homes. A good, comfortable, and secure home is one that has all the elements in order, from the walls, windows, and doors, to the roof and the furniture. It cannot really feel like a place of your own where you can be isolated from the outside world and in your special bubble of peace and quiet if something is lacking. Moreover, you cannot lead a healthy life as a happy family if some part of your home causes your health to deteriorate over time and leaves you more open and exposed to the outside elements.

For the purposes of this article, we will focus on the floors of your home and determine how it can be connected to your health, or the lack thereof. Your health and that of your family always come first so you should absolutely always go out of your way to ensure it is at the highest possible levels inside of your house or apartment. Most homeowners do not know that the kind and condition of the flooring they have installed have a direct connection to the health of their family.

You will be happy to know there are so many types of flooring available out there, including the hypoallergenic flooring options, which keep the floors as free of germs and other unwanted particles as possible. Whether you prefer tiles or something more classic and traditional like an exposed hardwood floors, the health of your household must come first. Consult the following sections to find out more about how you can make sure the floors you walk over every day are not harming you and the members of your family.

1. Keep germs away


Homeowners need an option that will keep their homes germ-free at all times and if you think about it, where else will the germs thrive if not on the part of your home where everything else will fall down and be walked over? Whether you have kids running around, pets, or parents living with you, if you need a flooring option that will keep your entire family healthy, you should opt for the Neutralize system. This system is available in most flooring stores in Canada and is available with new floor installation. When used with your new floors, the system can eliminate 99.9% of viruses, including the COVID-19. It is a no-brainer to equip your floors with this if you are renovating or better yet if you are just now having your first home build. Such an installation will ensure you start living in your new property the right way and keep everyone inside healthier.

2. Healthy hardwood


Do you or anyone in your family suffer from any allergies? If the answer to this question is sadly, yes, hardwood floors might be the best option you can go with for. This is because these floors are warmer to stand and walk on and much easier to clean than other materials like tiles and other choices. You will be able to easily eliminate dust, pet hair, and other allergens from them with great ease. Various cleaning supplies exist that will make the maintenance and cleaning a breeze every time. Hardwood offers a perfect way to keep the air quality in the house clean and safe as well since it is a naturally occurring material.

3. Dry and superb


The problem of high moisture is an issue homeowners want to avoid especially if you have a lot of wooden elements on the inside. The good news is that there are numerous flooring options that will help deal away with this headache. You will be able to find waterproof and water-resistant flooring options at Hardwood Planet. Whether you are in the market for some luxury vinyl, stain-resistant tile, or waterproof tiles, you will find the option you need to keep the high moisture at bay. Excess moisture and humidity is the worst enemy of wooden home elements and it sadly often goes unnoticed by homeowners. Pay attention to this as it is not only bad for the wood itself and can cause serious damage to the house, but it is a health hazard. You can check here for more information about epoxy floors (

4. Carpets are great


Over the years, the technique used by carpet manufacturers has been refined and now we have much better products than our older relatives did. Modern-day carpets are a great option if you need one that keeps your family healthy. You will be able to find carpet crafted using a natural based fiber that offers an amazing plush feel. You should also keep in mind that with regular cleaning and vacuuming, carpets will not build up dust and other allergens. They can be tricky to clean look at this especially if there is a lot of running around the house and if you have a pet, but with some proper carpet cleaning supplies and frequent vacuuming there will be no problems whatsoever. Thanks to the new ways of doing things in the carpet industry, we have it much better and easier nowadays.

Conclusion and Takeaways

You are probably surprised with how many things related to the flooring can hurt the health of the people and animals living inside of your home. If you opt to do even one of these things and ensure your home has it from now on, you will be living in a healthier environment. On the other hand, if you decide to do all four of these things and make sure the floors are free of moisture, germs, made of wood, and covered with a modern carpet, you will be doing the absolute most that a responsible contemporary homeowner can do. If you are however still not sure which hardwood floors or flooring option to use, we advise you check out since they can offer you all the advice and help you need. Check their website and find some options that will best suit you and your home.