Netflix Originals: Complete List of October Releases!

Netflix Originals

Netflix has grown so much over the years. Much appreciation goes to the Originals they work on each time. Netflix Originals are invested heavily by the company. The reason behind it states that people are more into the originals content.

Since these many years, Originals have entertained us in many different genres and languages. It has become our binge.

October Releases!

Deaf U (Season 1)

Deaf U, Netflix Originals
Gallaudet University in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2019. Driven by different spiritual traditions, students and faculty alike participate in forms of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism that cater to the non-hearing, complete with worship services and even activism rooted in the dual experiences of being deaf and a person of faith. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

On October 9, 2024, diversity in deafness will hit us. People from different parts of the world, who are directly or indirectly related to the hearing impairment, come to Gallaudet. Gallaudet brings the deaf together. They, too, deserve to be a part of this society with equal rights. And, this Deaf U, a part of the Netflix Originals, will be a perfect example to the community.

The Trial of Chicago 7

The Trial of Chicago 7, Netflix Originals

Releasing on October, 16, 2024, The Trial of the Chicago 7 movie declares us about the 1969 trial of anti-war activists. The seven activists protested against America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. The government charged them in terms of conspiracy. Due to their involvement in the protests surrounding the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Paramount not able to air it due to CoVid; now Netflix Originals has taken the rights for this movie.

Unsolved Mysteries (Volume 2)

Unsolved Mysteries, Netflix Originals

The prequel of Unsolved Mysteries Volume 1, will arrive on October 19, 2024. A lot of base in crime incidents like murder, killing, and disappearances formed the Volume 1. But Volume 2 will focus on having much newer content with a focus on psychic prodigies.


Rebecca, Netflix Originals

On October 21, 2024, we will see a British romance movie tinged with thrill in Rebecca. This movie has a feel of horror attached to it. A newly married life always tends to bring trouble. But, here, the concern is a shadow of her husband’s first wife, Rebecca. See, the most tangy performance in this Netflix Originals with a pinch of freshness.


Cadaver, Netflix Originals

There’s a Nuclear disaster. Everybody’s starving, a family amongst them get an invite by a hotel for a game. That’s not the only thing. They even are tempted by the food offer they have. Moreover, the hotel is known for the disappearances of a lot of people. What will happen to the family? We will know when Cadaver hits the screens on October 22, 2024.

Other October Netflix Originals but date not confirmed!


Mank, Netflix Originals

Mank is an American biographical drama film on screenwriter  Herman J. Mankiewicz. It will show his foreign war with director Orson Welles over a screenplay, Citizen Kane (1941). Also, the famous David Fincher directs it. Also, Howard Kelly “Jack” Fincher, David’s father, wrote the script for this film.

La Revolution

La Revolution, Netflix Originals

With the vastness of Netflix Originals, La Revolution turns out to be a French Original. But, only thing revealed about it is, “The 1% can be bloodied.” Let come the French Revolution, which we all will await.

The One

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THE ONE, a série da NetFlix que estreia em Outubro e da qual, orgulhosamente faço parte, acabou ontem em Lisboa. Melhor final não podia ter, acabar no nosso país e nesta cidade que amo. É tempo de falar de quem normalmente não aparece na ponta do icebergue, mas eles são a origem e a sustentabilidade desta frágil profissão. Falo-vos da @mateus_cecilia e da @subtitle_talent, o Steve Cash e o Richard Cook. A minha agente em Portugal e os meus agentes internacionais, respectivamente. A vida revela-se prenhe em amor, amizade, profissionalismo e na vontade de irmos mais longe. A vocês, meus companheiros, agradeço, pois nunca estou só. Uma permanente educação. . The shooting for me of THE ONE, the NetFlix series that debuts in October and which I am proud to be part of, ended yesterday in Lisbon. There could be no better ending, than in my country and in this city that I love. It is time to talk about those who do not normally appear at the tip of the iceberg, but who are the fundamental base and structure of this fragile profession. I’m talking about @mateus_cecilia and @subtitle_talent, Steve Cash and Richard Cook. My agent in Portugal and my international agents, respectively. Life reveals itself to be full of love, friendship, professionalism, always with the desire to go further. I thank you, my dear friends, for I am never alone. A permanent education. . #actor #portugueseactor @mateus_cecilia @subtitle_talent @netflixuk @netflixpt

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Get to know your soul mate through a very systematic way-a DNA test. This mini ten episodical drama adapted the story from a book by the same name.

With more of the Netflix Originals, the quarantine has become a lot easier to go through.

Click here to know the reason for two Netflix shows!