Preserving Youth: 5 Things That Cause Wrinkles (2023)

Things That Cause Wrinkles 

Wrinkles are unwanted lines and creases in your skin that make you look old. Although part of the “natural” aging process, it may seem like some people are more prone to developing wrinkles than others.

The most common place to develop wrinkles is the face, but you can find them anywhere, including your neck, chest, legs, hands, and arms. Many people find them at the corners of the eyes (crow’s feet), around the mouth, or on the forehead.

They may seem like fine or deeply etched lines, creases, folds, droopy, saggy, or loose skin, and become more apparent when frowning, scowling, squinting, or smiling. The older you get, the more pronounced they may appear.

Many options for dealing with wrinkles include facials, lasers, fillers, creams, lotions, surgery, skin resurfacing treatments (dermabrasion), medications, and hormones.

A dermatologist can help with a skin treatment plan, while a hormone specialist or endocrinologist can check if hormonal decline is a contributing factor.

Common Reasons for Wrinkles

Common Reasons for Wrinkles

Anyone who attended a high school or college reunion at least twenty years after graduating can see the difference in how people age. Some may have no physical signs of aging, while others look ten years or more older than everyone else.

In some cases, good genes can help prevent wrinkles from forming. It can be plastic surgery or expensive face care treatments for other people.

Some people are less likely to develop wrinkles based on race, predominantly Asian and Black people with thicker skin. Higher melanin levels in darker skin help protect it from ultraviolet (UV) radiation and sunlight effects.

Environmental factors can also play a role in skin aging, especially for people who work outdoors or around chemicals that can have toxic effects on the derma.

Nitrogen dioxide, present around construction sites, manufacturing facilities, near vehicles, and other areas, may increase the formation of wrinkles. Particles in the air, including dust, smoke, soot, and dirt, enter the pores and break down collagen.

Sun exposure

UV light exposure breaks down elastin fibers and collagen in the skin that form the connecting tissue that keeps it thick, taut, and firm. The decline in collagen and elastin causes becoming thin, weak, and less flexible, resulting in sagging and wrinkles.


Like all other parts of the body, the epidermis requires adequate liquid intake to maintain its durability. Dehydration dries out the surface of our body, leading to the development of wrinkles.


Hormonal changes are a natural part of aging and significantly impact skin appearance.

For example, HGH deficiency reduces cellular regeneration, decreasing elastin, collagen, and new cell production, causing skin sagging and leading to wrinkles, cellulite, and age spots. HGH treatment is the ideal treatment when growth hormone deficiency is present.

Are there options that work when HGH levels are low? Is somaderm gel a scam or not? Get the facts about how to treat hormone deficiency if it contributes to wrinkles and face aging.


Many people do not realize that when you are stressed, the increase in cortisol production also affects the derma. Cortisol breaks down collagen, causing the skin to lose its firmness.

Bad habits

Alcohol abuse and smoking speed up the aging process. The dehydrating effects of alcohol on the body dry the skin, increasing the likelihood of developing wrinkles.

Smoking reduces blood supply to accelerate physical aging effects. The constant pursing of the lips increases wrinkle development around the lips and mouth.

Other habits that people do not always consider are repetitive facial expressions such as scowling, squinting, frowning, or even excessive smiling – which might be a requirement in some jobs.

These movements form grooves under the face’s surface. Aging derm loses flexibility and cannot bounce back into place, causing the deep grooves under the skin to become permanent features.

Awareness of the effects of these movements can help you reduce them. If you squint because you cannot see well, have your eyes checked.

Lack of exercise, such as with a sedentary lifestyle, decreases oxygen to the skin, which inhibits the production of new cells and collagen. Increasing daily movement can help improve the body covering’s appearance.

Avoid These Things That Cause Wrinkles

Avoid These Things That Cause Wrinkles

We may not always realize that our actions increase the development of wrinkles on the skin. Knowing what to avoid and what changes to make can help you look younger by minimizing the appearance of wrinkles.

Here are some things to avoid and steps to take to decrease the risk of wrinkles:

Sun exposure and ultraviolet light

Staying out of the sun and away from tanning booths and other UV light sources is a way to protect you from wrinkles. When in the sun, use a high-quality SPF 30 or higher sunscreen. That includes when driving, as UV rays can cause damage through glass.

Smoking and drinking

Do not smoke, which causes aging and causes wrinkles, especially around the mouth. Alcohol increases dehydration, leading to dry epidermis.

Sleep positions

Sleeping on your side or stomach increases the development of wrinkles as your skin is squished against the pillow.

Poor sleeping positions can also increase wrinkles on the neck and chest. Using a satin pillowcase helps reduce the friction on the skin and sleep on your back.

Poor nutrition

Consuming a lot of refined carbohydrates and sugar ages the skin. Good nutrition is crucial for your entire body, including your derma. Increased vegetable and fruit consumption gives the body essential nutrients and water for better hydration.

Lack of face care routine

Ignoring your skin may cause it to age faster. High-quality face care products help add moisture to the skin, reducing dryness and wrinkle formation.

Cleaning your face regularly with a gentle cleanser helps to remove sweat and dirt that can irritate and cause aging. Make sure to remove makeup that can clog pores and inhibit collagen production.


Prevent Wrinkles

It is possible to reverse some of the damage to the epidermis through lifestyle changes, a better diet, protecting the body from UV damage, and turning to beneficial products or skin treatments.

Learning if medical problems or hormonal imbalances are contributing factors can help you identify viable solutions to improve your skin’s appearance.

Chemical peels performed by a specialist, microneedling, increasing collagen intake, chemical peels, laser treatments, and retinol creams are some of the treatments that can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Botox injections help to relax facial muscles and tighten the skin. Fillers improve plumpness in the skin by filling in the wrinkles.

Surgical options such as eyelids and facelifts help reduce the signs of aging for a few years.

Seek medical guidance before trying new treatments, especially if you are taking medications.