Gilmore Girls Revival: What John Oliver Has To Say About It

John Oliver
John Oliver has taken a bunch of shots on the reboot for Gilmore Girls.

John Oliver is the undisputed king of infotainment for this decade. However, he does sometimes step over the line in some people’s opinions.

The fact alone that universal and highly divisive subjects are discussed is the USP for the show. This mix of potions comes unsurprisingly. Their only commitment I have seen so far show-wise, is quality and creativity, two traits this show seems to possess.

John Oliver Media
In his latest info, talk on a completely unrelated topic. John found a comparison… somehow.

What did John say?

While discussing the drawbacks of Trump’s Border Wall, John took the time to bash the reboot of Gilmore Girls. He said “one of the more upsetting things to emerge from 2016, tied, of course, with the reboot of the Gilmore Girls.” “Who the f–k was Paul?!”

“I’m sorry, Emily says ‘bul*****’ and ‘t**s’ now?” Oliver exclaimed, “Not in my Stars Hollow!”

All this incredibly came from absolute nothing. It was all John’s personal anguish.

Why Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is a phenomenon?

The views on issues are sublime, as though John has been on our planet in a future time of peace. Although, he comes back to help us all through the hole we’re already headed for. The energy and views on the show are just like a pick me up to make us understand in-depth but precise.

He is yet another talented comedian in a line of many others bred at the talent breeding grounds known as “The Daily Show.” Oliver lured away the talented Tim Carvell, former head writer for the daily show from Jon Stewart. Meanwhile, this was a brilliant move, and Stewart was kind enough to part with Tim. Although, Now that both Oliver and Carvell have unlimited creative freedom with individual HBO shows. They are tackling the most critical issues with a fearless tenacity that most comedians can’t afford to have.

What went wrong with the Gilmore Girls Reboot?

It was apparent that writers were so focused on pulling the story come full circle. Meanwhile, the audience felt less nostalgic and more lethargic. Viewers watch Gilmore girls, partly to attend a refreshing, mother-daughter dynamic, but primarily to laugh. Creators, on the other hand, missed that fact.

The only characters that stayed believable were Kirk, Michel, and Sookie. Amongst Luke and Lorelai, there was no old-school dry humor. It is just a constant feeling that something is off. The comedy was terrible and cold and completely original. Viewers also expected them to have grown as individuals. Luke didn’t dress the same way as a decade back. It wasn’t even realistic or comedic. Even Rory and Lorelai’s relationship was not believable at all. Their chemistry was so off that it was hard to watch.

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