Grenada vs. St Lucia Citizenship Programs


Today, everyone who wants to improve their lives is increasingly choosing warm lands in the Caribbean Sea. Despite the common features of the schemes of registration of another passport, there are also significant differences. Studying all the nuances associated with this process is necessary to make the right choice.

Requirements and features of Grenada


This region, as well as many others, provides the opportunity to use the Grenada citizenship program, features of the program you can find here. A foreigner can become a citizen of this region in just two or three months. There are two ways to implement this scheme:

  1. Make a fund contribution. The minimum donation is $150,000 for a single person. However, if the applicant is migrating with family and listing a second spouse and children on the application, the amount will be higher. Therefore, an additional $50,000 will be required for four people in addition to the minimum contribution.
  2. Acquisition of real estate worth 220 thousand dollars and more.

A distinctive feature of the region is that the application can include not only the first circle but also sisters or brothers under 18, parents, and even grandparents without age restrictions.

After fulfilling all the requirements and obtaining a positive result, many opportunities open up for the candidate. Unimpeded movement in many regions of the world, financial security and stability, and loyal tax policy. In addition, obtaining Grenada citizenship by investment allows you to have benefits in the future if you want to apply for an E2 visa to the United States.

Obtaining Grenada citizenship is relatively easy because the applicant is not required to know the language or pass a historical exam. At the same time, you will have access to almost hundred fifty lands with the eligible period of stay from one month to six months.

Features and requirements of St. Lucia


St Lucia CBI program has an advantage in the number of options for the investor:

  1. The fund contribution for regional economic development starts at $100,000. There is an option to include relatives in the application. The cost for four people will be half as much as a single application.
  2. Acquisition of immovable property. However, these must be properties approved by the government. Their price starts from 200 thousand dollars. Within five years, the investor has no right to sell the premises.
  3. There is an option of investing in a business project with job creation. An individual entrepreneur’s contribution amount cannot be less than 3.5 million. The candidate undertakes to create three jobs and then can become a Lucia citizen.
  4. Contributions to bonds. A minimum rate of $300,000 with a five-year holding period.

Getting a Saint Lucia passport will take, on average, the same amount of time as in the region discussed above. The difference from the Grenada requirements is that the applicant’s parents and grandparents are eligible for a similar permit, provided they are over 55.

In addition to the financial benefits and the opportunity to see the world, St. Lucia citizenship opens up a magical tropical landscape, which can be enjoyed while staying on the island. This paradise beckons thousands of migrants every year because the calm and safe environment of the island contributes to a favorable impact on the children’s generation. It is parents who often choose the region to move to. The older generation also wants to have a peaceful retirement and enjoy the warm climate in safety.

How to make a choice?


When one thinks about immigration, there are usually two polar points. A person either knows exactly which states they will be considering, or the exact opposite is the story. If this is about you, it is worth exploring many options. There are several factors to pay attention to:

  • cost;
  • time;
  • restrictions;
  • opportunities.

There are affordable schemes for obtaining the necessary papers in exchange for deposits, and the Caribbean countries often boast the low cost. However, this does not mean that they are any worse. Each land is individual and unique. So the first thing to look at is the minimum rate. Here it all depends on your capabilities. Victor Esik, an expert of the agency Immigrant Invest advises not just to find out the minimum amount but also to consider whether one person or family leaves, how much it will cost to prepare the papers, and other monetary costs.

Time also plays an important role. There are states where it takes a couple of months, but not everywhere. Study the limitations and conditions of the programs. For example, you may have to be in the host country for a while, or there may be conditions for knowing the local language. Find out what opportunities you will have once you become a citizen of a particular country.

For example, visa-free regimes with which countries will be possible for you, are there any in the list of those you need, and so on. Examine which of your relatives can be included in obtaining a similar document, how much it makes the process more expensive, and what rights your relatives will have. These nuances seem minor, but there are no insignificant details in such a case.

All these twists and turns take not only a lot of time but also a lot of nerves and energy. You need to process a large amount of information. It is better to turn to specialists who will take care of all the inconvenient work to avoid possible mistakes. Thus, the risk of potential mishaps is minimal, and you will spend much less time.

Qualified agencies will facilitate the process of registration and receipt of papers and protect you from unnecessary costs. They can provide information about possible programs, help you find a home or commercial property, check the reliability of any data, and do everything following the laws of the state you choose for their future. The question of moving is always stressful, even if it is your long-standing desire, and these companies will help make it as comfortable as possible.