Make Your Home Shine with These 9 Homemade Cleaners


We all want a shining and spotless household. But without the proper cleaning techniques, things can get very tricky. So, today, we want to discuss some very effective homemade cleaners that can make your life much easier. Sometimes they can even generate better results than in-store cleaners too.

The main benefit of these homemade cleaners is that the ingredients are readily available in most households. So they are very cost-effective and easy to put together. Below, I have discussed nine such home cleaners with help from to help your home shine. So let’s have a look.

1. All-purpose cleaner


As the name suggests, you can use this cleaner for almost any purpose around the household. As impossible as it sounds, the ingredients of this cleaner are pretty simple. All you’ll need is one portion of water, one part of white vinegar, and some lemon zest to complete the cleaner.

Then mix these ingredients properly, and your cleaner will be ready. You can also try adding some rosemary sprig into the mixture. That’ll add two more benefits. One, you’ll have better antibacterial properties, and two, a pleasant aroma will be after cleaning.

2. Laundry Stain Remover

It’s very common to have food stains all over your clothes. Especially with kids, it can be a huge pain. But don’t worry; this homemade stain remover will save the day for you. There are several benefits of it, firstly, it’s cheap, and secondly, you won’t have to worry about the harsh effect of the in-store stain removers.

To formulate this stain remover, you’ll need one part baking soda, one part dish liquid, and finally two-part hydrogen peroxide. Mix these ingredients, apply them to the stain, rub it down and finally rinse it out. The stain will go away.

3. Degreaser for Kitchen


Greases all over the kitchen top or stove are a common headache for everyone. But do you know you can remove the grease pretty easily? All you’ll require for the job is a mixture of one cup of white vinegar, a few drops of essential oils, and a half teaspoon of castile soap.

Put that mixture in a spray bottle and spray that all over the greased area. While the essential oil and castile soap help to loosen up the grease, vinegar does the cleaning and disinfecting.

4. Glass Cleaner

Are you looking for an easy way to clean the mirrors and glasses around your home? This homemade glass cleaner can get your mirrors and glasses around the house shining within minutes. Mix half a teaspoon of white vinegar and rubbing alcohol for the cleaner with two cups of water.

For aroma, you can also add some flavored essential oil. After mixing, put that in a spray bottle, spray it on the mirror and rub it down to complete the cleaning.

5. Carpet Cleaner


Due to constant movement, carpets get dirty very easily. Especially if you love a light-colored carpet, they are more likely to get stained. But with the right technique, your days worrying about stained carpets are over.

You’ll need a mixture of two cups of water, two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, and a few drops of essential oil for a good smell. Then, just apply the mixture to the dirty or stained spot, scrub it properly, and finish by rinsing it away.

6. Brass Cleaner

No matter how much effort you put into cleaning the cabinets or furniture, there is a small part that always seems to be left behind. Yes, I am talking about the brass cabinet and drawer pulls. Moreover, some houses also have decorative items made out of brass too. As popular bras are due to their golden color, they also get tarnished pretty easily.

First, mix half a cup of vinegar with a teaspoon salt for a homemade brass cleaner. When the salt dissolves, just add enough flour to make a thick paste and apply it to the brass piece. Then let the paste sit on the brass for a few minutes and rinse it to clean it.

7. Stainless steel cleaner


If you look around your house closely, you’ll notice different stuff made of stainless steel. Unfortunately, these stainless steel parts are a complete fingerprint magnet. On top of that, smudges on various steel appliances can worsen things.

Here, this homemade stainless tell cleaner made out of vinegar and essential oil can come in handy for you. Just fill a spray bottle with food-safe vinegar and add enough essential oil to fight the vinegar smell while applying.

After spraying the steel surface, just wipe it with a microfiber cloth to clean it. Additionally, you can give the stainless steel a good wipe with mineral oil for a polished look.

8. Bathroom and shower cleaner

The bathroom is the place most likely to get dirty easily and has the highest amount of germs in the household. So, cleaning it regularly is very important. But do you know you can skip the chemical cleaners from the store and make the job easy with a homemade remedy?

Again, you’ll have to fill a spray bottle with vinegar and dish soap. You can mix it in a 1:1 ratio. Finally, drop a few drops of essential oil and give it a good shake. Apply that mixture for bathroom or shower cleaning and scrub with a scrub brush. The tiles will get clean very easily.

9. Furniture polish


Wooden furniture at our home surely uplifts the beauty of the household. However, that’s only until there is dust and different surface marks on that furniture. In those cases, furniture polish is a must, and today I’ll show you how to make one at your home. It’ll be cost-effective without any harsh effects on the wood.

Add two tablespoons of olive oil with a half cup of food-safe vinegar for the homemade furniture polish and mix in a spray bottle. You can also add some lemon oil drops for a better smell too. Then apply the polish to the furniture and give it a good wipe. The furniture will get clean and polished again.