Naked Miljuschka Witzenhausen: Be proud of yourself, show your beach body

Naked Miljuschka: Be proud of yourself, show your beach body
Naked Miljuschka: Be proud of yourself, show your beach body

Netherland’s Food blogger Miljuschka Witzenhausen (Age- 34) shared a photo with her Instagram followers showing her naked. The brunette says she does that to create a more realistic image on social media.

Miljuschka calls to share ‘honest photos’ showing her healthy bodies. In the selfie of Miljuschka sitting on the floor, holding her hands over her breasts and wearing no makeup, she writes that the quarantine pounds are on it. “Uncertainty can be felt in the air again because many fear that they will be walking around in a bikini again,” she writes. “The vast picture we are presented with on Instagram is not feasible for many, not even me.”

At the same time, she realizes that her photos are often styled from head to toe. Miljuschka is often photographed by her friend Philip, in her farm where the two built a photo studio. She says about this: Not because of photoshop, because I am against that. Filter until now. But because I work with a team. But be aware. It takes an entire army to get me on the picture like that. Makeup, styling and photographer. “

Miljuschka thinks that the balance can be changed and would, therefore, like to see real images under the hashtag’ naked photo’. So that those photos become the usual image for you, me, our kids, partners etc. Enjoy your body, each other and life. Especially nowadays we realize all the more how important the ordinary little things in life are.

What a shame it is to waste your time on self-loathing, isolating yourself due to insecurity and crash diets.”It is not the first time that the kitchen princess has broached the subject. In February she wrote that she was getting tired of polished shots. “I am genuinely concerned about what this will do to our kids.

More and more when I am somewhere, I see the uniformity of fillers, eyelash extensions, Nike signs like eyebrows and clothing with big brands on it. The aim is to achieve a massively perfect image. “

Naked Miljuschka: Be proud of yourself, show your beach body
Naked Miljuschka’S Instagram photo