Did You Know the Vibration Plate Benefits Lymphatic Drainage?

Source: mirafit.co.uk

Many of you most probably have heard of the vibration plate (VP) and the associated benefits that come with it. Denser bones, stronger muscles and leaner bodies, are just some of them. It is a unique piece of equipment that produces high frequency vibrations and requires very little of your time. All you need to invest is 15 – 20 minutes a day, 3 – 4 days a week. And thanks to technological advancements, now you can have the machine straight in your home.

Indeed, the vibration plate offers numerous benefits and has plenty of advantages. Due to its rising popularity, over the past couple of decades the VP has been a subject to many scientific studies with positive results. So far, the fitness apparatus has been proven beneficial for the muscles, bones, and heart, but did you know that the vibration plate benefits lymphatic drainage too? Yes, according to the scientific evidence it does and in the following lines we are going to find out how.

How does the vibration plate work?

Source: motherandbaby.co.uk

The vibration plate is a type of fitness equipment that emits high frequency vibrations, also known as mechanical oscillations. These vibrations, typically within the range of 5 – 35 Hz, travel through the body benefiting pretty much every area of it. The physical activity that is performed on the VP is famous as whole-body vibration (WBV). It has been established that during WBV the muscles are stimulated to contract at a rate of up to 50 times faster than normal physical activities.

One of the biggest advantages of the body vibration machine is its ability to provide you with the desired fitness outcomes in a shorter time and with almost no effort. Thanks to that you can invest less time training and see improvements quicker. Whether your goal is to increase your muscle power, strengthen your bones or lose some extra weight, the vibrating platform offers the perfect solution. But what about lymphatic drainage? Well, let’s find out.

What is lymphatic drainage?

Source: miskawaanhealth.com

The human body is constantly bombarded by toxins, pathogens and other harmful substances. They enter through our mouth, nose or skin, and start attacking cells and tissues. Thankfully, the human body has its protecting mechanisms in place, one of which is the lymphatic system (LS). A complex network of vessels, nodes and lymph that works in conjunction with the immune system to scavenge and destroy any uninvited guest.

The lymphoid system captures toxins and bacteria, and transports them to the lymph nodes for destruction. Thanks to it the level of harmful substances in our bodies are kept at bay and we are safe from pathological conditions. Unfortunately, due to various reasons (unhealthy eating, poor lifestyle habits, and lack of exercise), the lymphatic system may get clogged, allowing the harmful substances to thrive. This is when lymphatic drainage comes in handy.

lymphatic drainage is the cleansing of the lymphoid system. The procedure helps open lymph vessels and let the excess lymph fluid travel back into the nodes. That, in its turn, leads to decreased swelling, stronger immune function, and the reduction of excess body water. Furthermore, lymphatic drainage can help relieve the symptoms of certain pathological conditions, such as edema, lymphedema, ‌chronic venous insufficiency, rheumatoid arthritis, and obesity.

It has been proven – the vibration plate benefits lymphatic drainage

Source: medicalopedia.org

So far, the body vibration machine has been proven to benefit the neuromuscular, cardiovascular, skeletal, digestive, and nervous systems. But what about the function of the lymphatic system? According to this article on hypervibe.com, the vibration plate benefits lymphatic drainage too. Thanks to the high frequency vibrations it produces, the machine helps open the lymphatic vessels and aids the flow of the lymphatic fluid. But how exactly is it done? Let’s find out!

The lymphatic system of the human body lacks its pumping mechanism, making the movement of lymph fluid heavily dependent on the muscle contractions of surrounding organs. The best functioning of the LS is achieved by proper muscle contraction. This is why, if we want to maintain a healthy lymphatic system, we need to keep our bodies active and our muscles toned. As we already know, one of the best ways to do that is with the vibration plate.

The regular use of the equipment stimulates the functioning of the lymphatic system, boosts the work of the lymphatic nodes, and enhances the defensive mechanisms of the body. The machine makes it easier for the lymphoid system to drain itself, to scavenge toxins and bacteria, and to flush out the excess fats and water. How to best use it to achieve all of the above? Coming right up!

How to use the vibration plate for lymphatic drainage?

Source: mirafit.co.uk

In order to achieve effective lymphatic drainage, you need to use the body vibrating machine on a weekly basis. This will not only improve the flow of the lymph fluid, but will also aid the removal of excess water and other unwanted debris from your body. In the following lines we are going to show you one of the best exercise routines for lymphatic drainage, that can be performed on the vibration plate.

For best results, each of the 10 exercises included in the routine should be done for at least one minute, meaning that you will need to allocate 10 – 15 minutes for the whole set. If you’re new to the body vibrating machine, you can start slowly at a lower frequency range, and take small breaks after each of the different exercises. As you progress, you can adjust the setting and duration accordingly.

  1. Wide stance – standing with your legs wide spread for 2 minutes at 8Hz
  2. Normal stance – standing slightly bent over for 1 minute at 15Hz
  3. Normal stance – standing with your knees slightly bent for 1 minute at 18Hz
  4. Standing – sitting on the plate for 2 minutes at 12Hz
  5. Normal stance – standing with your torso bent to one side for 1 minute at 22Hz
  6. Calf massage – sitting with your calves touching the plate for 1 – 2 minutes at 18Hz
  7. Quad massage – sitting with your quads touching the plate for 1 – 2 minutes at 18Hz
  8. Hamstring massage – sitting with your hamstrings touching the plate for 1 – 2 minutes at 15Hz
  9. Shoulder massage – plank position with your arms straight and palms on the plate for 1 – 2 minutes at 8Hz
  10. Gluteal massage – sitting with your glutes touching the plate for 1 – 2 minutes at 15Hz

Final thoughts

In order to keep your lymphatic system in an optimal condition you need eah healthy, avoid harmful lifestyle habits, and be physically active. This way you will keep your body protected from the attacks of pathogens and toxins, and will enjoy a life free of illness.

One of the easiest, least time-consuming, and effortless ways of achieving that is by the regular use of the vibration plate. Follow the 10-step routine shown above on a weekly basis, and let the vibrations do the rest for you. Stay healthy!