Dark Season 3: Catch All The Spoilers Before Anyone Know(Biggest Spoiler Till Now)


The very famous German Sci-fiction series Dark is now coming back with its season 3. We thought that we should collect all the strange piece of this season 3 and which will help us to build the story of next season. So here we have collected many spoilers that you should know as a fan of Dark.

This series Dark is almost confirmed for the third instalment. It is a Sci-fiction series which is often compared with very famous Netflix series Stranger Thing. This series is messed in the starting but still it was very mind-blowing that everyone loved it so much.

So now we will jump to the spoiler of season three so be ready for it. This spoiler are thoughts of us. If you have any suggestions then do comment on this article and let us know.

Lead Spoilers for Dark season 3

  • We show that Jonas found a pendant from near the lake. We can tell that the pendant is originally Hannah’s. This is not the guess, we got the proof of it. In the BBO’s Instagram post we can clearly see Hannah wearing that pendant.
  • On the other post of Instagram, we can see that Hannah has black eye-like makeup being applied. Which shows that Hannah has to fight with someone. and it goes very bad that they have to do this kinda makeup.
  • There will be a romantic part of this series will be covered between Jonas and Martha. She is the one who came back from the alternate time and also we might see her to help Jonas in stooping the villain who is adam.

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  • Jonas’s mother who travelled in the past with the help of one device will be stolen by someone and she will be stuck in the past. I think that will be the terrible moment of this season.
  • We all know that this is the last season of this series so there will be a happy ending. so this all are the spoilers from our side.

This season will be the last one

This series Dark is so amazing and interesting that everyone is attached to this series. But we are sad to tell you that this season three will be the last season of this series. and this is the only reason that this time it will be the last cycle of the show.

This statements are not written without any proof. The creators of this Dark gave the statement that this will be the last season. They also stated that while working on the first season he had in mind that he will make this a 3 season for this show.

We hope very best for this season. So this is it, for now, Stay tuned with us for more.