Ivanka Trump Becomes Twitter Trolls’ Target For Learning Guitar During COVID-19

Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump, 38, is facing repercussions after she confessed to playing board games. And she was acquiring guitar during her time at home with her family during the COVID-19 crisis. And at a fresh campaign appearance, she said. 

The oldest girl and senior advisor to President Donald Trump, 74, engaged in a question and answered session about the pandemic. And other problems near Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Oct. 20. And considering how she’s been coping when the admission came up. “For a lot of us … while this pandemic, we’ve reconnected to some of life’s simple happiness,” she said. “Board games, for example. We’ve scattered off all of ours, for sure.”

Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump Becomes Twitter Trolls’

Ivanka Trump says that throughout the pandemic, she’s been playing board games and discovering guitar.

She then revealed she’s been growing in the habit of playing guitar during her time alone. “I took up working guitar because my husband was working very late nights,” she explained. “I’d come homey, after I’d put the kids to bed. And after I went back online and completed my work. And I’d be resting there, and so I taught myself — or am preparing myself — how to play guitar.”

Ivanka Trump suffered backlash on Oct. 20 when she confessed to enjoying life’s ‘simple pleasures’ throughout the pandemic. (AP)

The repercussion Ivanka is facing comes after reported 8 million people infected with COVID-19 in the U.S. And 220,000 executed since earlier this year. The virus has been one of the defining problems in the presidential election between Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden, 77. While Biden and other Democrats have analyzed the way, Trump’s been managing the issue. And Trump has been accusing China, where the virus started. And declares he’s been doing an immeasurable job in keeping the country safe. It safe by setting early travel bans into effect. And they are working on becoming more ventilators and vaccines.

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