TOP 5 Health Problems for Students Due to Online Learning


Online learning is hailed as the most convenient mode of study today. It has allowed students to follow classes and complete courses from halfway across the continent. The need for virtual learning has been heightened by social distancing requirements as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Get writing experts at Thesis Rush to assist with all your homework, essays, term papers, dissertations, and other academic writing exercises while you study from home.

Online learning has taken pupils away from the school environment. It has left them confined to desks at home, without the benefit of playing fields or the company of their peers. The situation predisposes them to health problems that would otherwise not have been experienced if they had continued studying in school.

What are the top 5 health challenges to expect from children studying from home and how can you overcome them? Here are a few insights.

1. Anxiety and depression from isolation


Online learning has reduced the hours a student spends with peers and teachers. Students spend the entire day at home, learning through the computer. While it is convenient, extended hours alone have been shown to cause anxiety and eventually lead to depression.

Students still have a chance to interact with peers over social media and other apps. Online video calls can never replace the need for physical contact with peers. They discuss, share emotions, and play together during physical interactions. Such activities create crucial social bonds in the lives of the student.

How can you avoid depression and anxiety as a result of the isolation arising from online studies?

  • Provide room for physical engagements. Students should be allowed to meet once or twice a week, albeit for a few hours. It helps them to bond, work on collaborative projects, and build an institutional culture.
  • Create a schedule away from computers- it takes personal initiative to get away from the computer or gadgets you are using to study. Leave room in your schedule to walk around the estate, join friends for games, or just take a walk outside the house.
  • Develop a rich routine- do not be stuck in the house studying and eating. Develop a routine that instills a sense of purpose in your life. It should include exercise, yoga, and a set time to sleep. Engage in personal projects like blogging or music that would cover for the extra time you have between classes.

Watch your physical and mental health while studying at home. Create an inspiring space where you will be spending your entire day. Above all, stay engaged and productive to avoid anxiety as well as depression.

2. Eye problems from extended screen time


Online learning leaves no option but to use computers, laptops, tablets, and phones to study. Class sessions will be running every day and all day for the entire week. You have other activities like entertainment or personal projects you will be doing on the gadgets. This translates into abnormally more hours on the screen. It is bad for your eyes.

Experts recommend no more than two hours of screen time each day. However, you now have to spend the entire day on the computer. Here are expert hacks to reduce screen time and the damage that may result from an extended time.

  • Invest in quality gadgets that come with adjustable features. These advanced features allow you to adjust the light and contrast to protect your eyes.
  • Use gadgets at a safe distance. Distance makes it safer to use gadgets for a longer period. Invest in remote keyboards, mice, and other control gadgets. Your eyes will not strain for being too close to the screen.
  • Use special screen glasses. They are recommended for persons with existing eye problems. They protect your eyes from extended glare.
  • Use more natural lighting. Study at the balcony where natural lighting will dilute screen glare. It keeps your eyes safe.

Get checked in case you experience a problem with the eyes. Early checkup helps you to arrest the situation before it gets out of hand.

3. Obesity from too much sitting and eating


Food is readily available when you are studying from home. You are also confined to a small space, limiting your movements. The chances of accumulating fat in the body increase several folds.

What should you do?

  • Watch your diet to maintain healthy eating habits. Plan your meals, considering the limited movement and reduced energy requirement.
  • Exercise regularly. Start yoga classes and watch your body weight.
  • Create an eating schedule or routine. You will avoid the temptation of eating because you are bored or food is available.

You might not even notice the fat creeping in because you are holed up in the house. Monitor your diet and engage in activities that get you out of the house.

4. Irregular sleep from the comfortable indoor space


It starts from the realization that you can sleep anytime since the bed or couch is an inch away. It will mess with your productivity, especially the zeal to take initiative. How can you deal with the challenge?

  • Develop a sleeping schedule that forces you to only be in bed at night.
  • Schedule activities outside the room to reduce the temptation to sleep.
  • Remain active whenever you are indoors.

Irregular sleep also leads to anxiety and depression. It will cause obesity and affect your productivity.

5. Muscle and joint rigidity from too much sitting


One obvious result of spending too much time in a confined space is skeletal rigidity. It will spread to your overall health, especially exposing you to easy injuries. Exercise regularly by improvising a gym indoors. Get out of the house for a walk or to soak in the sun. Swimming is also a perfect option to exercise all your body muscles.

Monitor your health when studying in confined spaces as you follow your classes online. Develop a reasonable personal schedule that allows you to exercise and flex your muscles. Soak in the sun whenever you have an opportunity and develop an alternative social life based on activities in your neighborhood.