Euphoria Season 2: When’s It Landing On HBO Max? Official Announcements Inside

Euphoria Season 2 Image by - Zendaya Coleman

Euphoria Season 2 is a much-awaited season on HBO. The American teen drama TV series changed into a sentiment as soon as it premiered. The series has received many leading honors and selections from both the critics and fans. The series’ topic is controversial, and hence it got some backfired. Here’s Everything you need to know about the upcoming season.

Euphoria Season 2: Release Date And Trailer

The series’ first season it premiered on HBO on June 16, 2019. HBO revamped the series for the next season in July 2019. The series’ execution is all praises. This is maybe Zendaya’s best execution project to date. The first season it was aired for eight episodes. Reportedly, the second season will also air for eight episodes.

As of now, HBO has not yet announced the upcoming season’s official release date. The coronavirus pandemic has disturbed the series’ entire schedule.


Euphoria is an American teen drama TV series. It focuses on many relevant issues like sexuality, sex personality, medicate use, secondary school life. The series received much love from teenagers all over the world.

The main story revolves around the troubled life of 17-year-old Rue. She is a drug addict from rehab, with no plans to stay neat. Rue’s social circle comprises Jules, Nate, Chris, Cassie, and Kat. Jules is a transgender girl trying to fit into the socially accepted human standards.

Chris is an ex-football star who finds the change from high school to college harder than expected. Cassie tries as her sexual history takes the better of her. Kat is just a body-conscious teen examining her sexuality.

The classmates struggle to make judgments of their futures and to fit in with their eccentric personalities. They simultaneously explore the teenage landscape of substance-enhanced parties and anxiety-ridden day-to-day life with empathy and candor.

Binge Watch the show on HBO and Stay safe, Stay tuned..!

Also Read: Euphoria Season 2 | Release on HBO | Know Everything