How to Generate Real Estate Listings with Postcards


Many real estate agents have lost sight of the importance of a well-designed postcard during this digital marketing era. However, the postcard marketing tactic is still going strong.

The best real estate postcards for generating listings are those that send the right message to your target audience. They include cards such as just listed postcards and expired listing postcards. It might seem like it is just a simple card, but there is much more than meets the eye regarding these marketing tools.

Designing and sending out the perfect postcard can mean getting an instant lead or two on the other end. Real estate postcards allow you to keep in touch with potential customers and remind them about your services. Furthermore, they also provide a chance to take advantage of deal-of-the-day offers.

The Common Types of Postcards

Market Update Postcards


Market Update Postcards may be the perfect solution for those looking for a way to generate real estate listings in certain neighborhoods. These postcards are designed to provide homeowners with important information about what’s happening in their area and how they can take advantage of it.

The best part is that these postcards work whether or not you have a listing to promote. You’ll also find that sending out Market Update Postcards provides valuable data on potential buyers in the neighborhood so you know where your efforts should focus.

If you need suggestions for the best options for sending Market Update postcards, Wise Pelican offers a variety of easy-to-edit templates. In addition to Market Update postcards, they also offer a variety of other templates for real estate agents.

Expired Listing Postcards


An expired listing is one that has been on the market but did not sell. For example, this could be because of price points or timing. As soon as the property hits a certain number of days since being listed, it becomes “expired” and prime for conversion. Expired listings greatly help generate new real estate listings. They may seem like an afterthought, but they can actually be a source of business for your brokerage.

The crucial part about the expired listings is to get your hands on some of them. You can find these in several places, but the best place to look is the Multiple Listing Service.

You can also find these through brokerages that offer services to brokers who have been with them for some time but haven’t been sending out any postcards themselves. This way, you can still get access to their list of brokers and their contacts.

Then you need to find the best way to get your postcards into their hands. It’s best to send them a physical piece in the mail with an offer they can’t refuse.

Just Listed Postcards


It’s not just any postcard that will work. There are just listed postcards that get more attention than your standard mailings. These cards are designed to capture the interest of homeowners who just put their homes on the market, and they do this by showcasing expertise in real estate marketing.

The just listed card is an excellent way for agents to establish themselves as experts in their field. It shows clients that you know what you’re doing and can help them sell their houses quickly.

Just Sold Postcards


These postcards play a key role in generating real estate listings. These postcards are sent out after your listing closes and inform homeowners in the area what you sold their home for.

This is an extremely effective way to get new listings because when homeowners think about selling their homes, they’re more likely to work with the “expert” who just closed on one deal around.

Holiday Postcards


Do you want to put some extra cheer in the lives of your clients and prospects? Do you want an easy way of remaining in touch with them this holiday season? Holiday postcards are excellent in doing both.

The holidays also happen to be the busiest selling season of the year for many businesses, so sending out some cheerful mailers now could lead to some great real estate listings later.

Keys for Sending Real Estate Postcards

Mail Them Consistently

Consistently mailing postcards is one of the most effective ways to get new clients, and it doesn’t take too much time or money either. The average person will see a postcard around three times before they remember who sent it.

That means that sending one or two cards every month will capture the prospect’s attention in at most two months.

Using Professional Templates

It is important that postcards look professional when sending them. The more professional the template is, the more professional and confident you will appear to your audience.
These templates represent your brand and create a more personal connection with people interested in using your services for purchasing or renting.

Being Specific with the Mailing List

Sending out postcards with pictures and information about your property is one of the most effective ways to capture buyers’ attention. However, there are some important things to keep in mind when creating these postcards so more people will see them.

Most importantly, don’t use generic mailing lists. You want these cards to go out only to those genuinely interested in buying or renting a house like yours because they have been looking for homes on sites like Zillow or Trulia. This will ensure that you reach the most relevant audience possible and maximize your return on investment.

Closing Thoughts

We have seen that real estate postcards are great in generating listings. But, there is one thing you should keep in mind before sending them out. There should be an offer on the back of the card that will get prospects excited about what they can do with your services.

For example, you could include a free consultation or mention how much money sellers could save by listing their home with you instead of another agent. This would not only give people something valuable but also compel them to call and learn more about your business.