Konami’s Creation of a New Football Simulation Brand Turned Into a Fiasco

Source: dailysabah.com

Konami’s eFootball was to become a new brand in the world of football simulations and provide a whole new online gaming experience. The announcements of eFootball as a free game that will be available on various platforms such as PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X and S, Xbox One, Windows 10 (PC), Steam (PC), iOS, and Android have captured the attention of many fans.

The game was really eagerly awaited because we are already used to realistic football simulations from Konami, which regularly received high marks from most critics. And then after being released on September 30, the collapse occurred…

Efootball Experienced Collapse on Steam

Source: konami.com

For these reasons, the data from one of the platforms on which eFootball is available sounds almost shocking. It is an amazing fact that eFootball on Steam (a highly popular video game digital distribution service) currently has the status of the worst-rated title in the history of the platform according to the reviews given! Nearly 90% of the comments on the game are negative and most of them are focused on the visual aspect of the game which, to be honest, has little to do with the great graphics of previous Pro Evolution Soccer titles.

Konami didn’t devote too much time to this and many ask questions about where were and which were the templates for this approach to the face design of famous footballers. Social networks are already full of memes that show, at some point, really weird screenshots of distorted faces of stars like Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi.

Poor Graphics, Players Disappearing…

Graphics are not the only bad aspect of the game. Many players who have downloaded eFootball to their computers have pointed out that the AI of other players on the pitch is at a low level, so there are unexpected situations that often only create additional problems for the gamer who manages the team.

It seems incredible but some users have even pointed out that sometimes the players on the pitch just disappear and become invisible, and after that, they cannot be included back into the game. The referee in the game also found himself under criticism because he often makes wrong and unreasonable decisions that greatly affect the course of the game.

Konami Now Needs a Miracle

Source: thedailyworldnews.eu

The initial impression of eFootball, unfortunately, cannot be good because with it Konami wanted to fill the space of the platform for free playing football simulation where FIFA is not yet present (but its football simulation is present on markets of online sportsbooks at Bookmaker-Expert.com), however, it seems that this attribute of “free” has affected the quality of the product itself.

The question is – how will Konami now manage to convince its fans that playing eFootball pays off? It certainly cannot be said that eFootball is the worst game of all time on Steam, but after so many announcements, gamers were disappointed with the quality of the delivered product, and Konami really needs a miracle to completely turn around this disastrous start to the game.