Manmohan Singh hospitalized after experiencing chest pain.

(IMAGE: Pinterest)

Former Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh was admitted to AIIMS in New Delhi on Sunday.

Reportedly, he experienced some uneasiness in his chest. So, he was immediately admitted to the hospital on Sunday evening. Sources said that he suffered from a reaction to a new medication and developed fever.

Since then, Singh has been under observation continuously. Investigations for ruling out the other reasons behind the fever are in progress. As per reports, his condition is stable. Moreover, he’s under the care of a team of doctors at the Cardiothoracic Center of AIIMS.

Manmohan Singh is a senior leader of the Congress Party. Currently, 87-year-old Singh represents Rajasthan in the Rajya Sabha. He served as the Prime Minister of India from 2004 to 2014. Singh played a major role in the liberalization of the Indian Economy.

 Past health issues and surgeries of Manmohan Singh

In 1990, he got a heart bypass surgery. Later, in 2009, Manmohan Singh underwent a redo cardiac bypass surgery at AIIMS.  The vice-chairman of the Asian Heart Institute, Dr. Ramakanta Panda, performed the surgery. Panda is a cardiovascular thoracic surgeon. His team of doctors accompanied him.

Reportedly, Manmohan Singh suffered a fall a couple of months ago. This happened before the adjournment of the parliament due to the outbreak of coronavirus. So, doctors advised him complete bed rest at that time. Also, he has a history of diabetes.

Manmohan Singh’s current health condition

As per a source close to him, all his parameters are now normal, and his condition is stable. Currently, Manmohan Singh is under observation at AIIMS but is not in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). Meanwhile, many eminent personalities have put forward their concern about the former Prime Minister’s health.

Take a look at what Arvind Kejriwal, the current Chief Minister of Delhi, tweeted expressing his concern about Manmohan Singh’s health.


Also, Indian Politician and ex-CM of Madhya Pradesh Kamalnath posted a tweet about the same.