5 Things to Know About TV Antenna Height & Communications Effectiveness

Source: dennystvantennare.com

Installing a new device in your home is always a demanding task, and we all want to get things right the first time around, so we don’t have to redo them in the future. Putting up a new aerial on your roof is something that you need to do carefully, and you don’t only need to be extra safe and take care of your wellbeing, but you also need to know how to properly position it. If you don’t install it in the right place, and if you don’t pay attention to the most important details, chances are, your experience will be ruined and you will have to deal with bad signal and pixeling. In this article, we are going to list some things that you need to know about TV antenna height and communications effectiveness. Keep on reading if you want to learn how to get the best out of this unit, and how to ensure your customer satisfaction.

1. There is a difference between placement of the indoor and outdoor unit

Source: nytimes.com

The first thing we are going to talk about is the different models that will help you get the best signal for your television. There are two main types of aerials and they are the indoor device and the outside one.

No matter which one you choose to go with, you need to know that you need to position them properly and you need to place them in the right way if you want to have the best experience. When it comes to the inside devices, you should place them as close to the window as possible, and you should position them high up. If you have a ceiling window, you should place them close to it so that they can easily get the signal. Note that there are a lot of things that could cause interference, so you need to work smart around the obstacles.

When it comes to outdoor devices, they need to be properly mounted on the roof, and you need to pay attention to large obstacles including trees and buildings that could make things difficult.

2. The higher the device is, the better the signal will be

The main rule in the effectiveness is that the higher the unit is placed, the better the signal will be. This is for both indoor and outside devices, so you need to keep this in mind when positioning your TV aerial.

You should also know that the distance between your device and the broadcasting tower will also make a difference, so in case the tower is far away, you may need to use a signal booster that will make things easier.

Experts suggest that you should place your device about 30 feet from the ground for the best experience or about 10 meters high. Note that depending on the exact model and the area where you live, this placement may defer.

3. Pay attention to large trees

Source. bobvila.com

One thing that many users are not aware of is the interference that the trees could make with your aerial signal. Know that if you are living on a property that has a lot of large trees, that could make things a bit difficult for you. As you already know, the fewer obstacles there are between your TV antenna and the broadcasting tower, the easier it is going to be for the signal to reach your aerial, and with that your television.

So, to avoid any issues or complications, you should position the unit as far away as possible from the side of your yard that has a lot of large vegetation. The higher the aerial is, the better the signal is going to be.

A professional service can help you out with the placement of the unit, no matter if it is an indoor one or an antenna made for outdoors use. Visit https://aerialandsatelliteexpress.co.uk/london/ for more information.

4. Make sure you get the angle right

Now let’s talk about the angle and how it is going to affect the effectiveness of the aerial. There are different formulas that you can use to determine which angle is the best one, depending on the wavelength frequency and the type of device you are using, but there are too many variables, and the whole process may be too complicated for you.

The overall rule is that you should turn the device in a way that faces the broadcasting tower or a surface that will be able to reflect the signal. One of the biggest mistakes that people make is positioning the aerial in a way that faces the ground. The ground is not a reflective surface, and this way you will create too many obstacles for the signal. For the best experience, you should place the unit to have a wider angle and to face the way where the broadcasting tower is located.

5. Position it properly for best results

Source: abc.net.au

Lastly, we are going to talk about positioning the unit properly, and things that don’t involve the height only. No matter how high up you place the unit, if you don’t pay attention to other obstacles, the whole process will be to no avail.

If you live in a big city, and if there are huge buildings surrounding you, you will need to think about more things than just the height. The angle will make a difference as well, and you will need to find a place where the signal will be able to reach your unit with ease.
You should place it in a way that it faces an open space, and you should remove any electrical devices that surround it. Note that if you have trouble doing this, and if you are still experiencing pixeling, you should talk to a professional service and ask for an expert’s advice.

These are some of the things that will affect the communication effectiveness and the overall signal that you get. Make sure you choose a good device and that you mount and position it properly. Talk to the service about what you can do to improve your experience, and if you are still facing issues after installing the new unit, make sure you talk to the professionals and ask for their aid.