13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim- English Release Of The Game Pushed

Trailer Released (Image: YouTube)

Hey, ya gamers! How you all doing hope everyone is safe and sound. Also, taking proper measures to stop COVID. Today, it is all about 13 Sentinels.

Release Delayed Due To COVID 19 (Image: YouTube)

13 Sentinels: Release Date

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, Atlus stated the releasing date which is September 8.

As everyone is well aware of the Pandemic situation and the impact of this COVID-19 on all the industries. The main aspect covering is production schedule and at the release,e there will be only Japanese voice-overs. On the other hand the after the launch the English Voice Overpatchb will be available. The accurate timing will be shared later on.

The actual team behind the Dragon’s Crown and Odin sphere is Vanillaware. The game is a sci-fi mystery and spanning thirteen intertwining stories.


Everything About The Game

The game is about who will “uncover the truth” in a 2D sidescrolling adventure. The battle, kaiju in fast-paced and top-down combat.

The game also gives you the ability to also customize your Sentinelsalongg with various mech suit weaponry.

What New Things it holds (Image: YouTube)

The Pre-order the game at retailers shops and the buyer will also receive an exclusive artbook. Apart from that,s the digital version will be available soon with digital pre-orders from the PlayStation Store. Last year the game was released in Japan around November.

13 Sentinels: The Setting of the Game

13 Sentinels are essentially set during a fictionalized rendition of the 1980s in the Shōwa time frame yet in addition bounces between Japan during the later long stretches of World War II and the inaccessible future. The story follows its thirteen heroes, all of secondary young, as they are hauled from their ordinary lives into a fantastical war against attacking outsider powers utilizing the Sentinel mechas. The storyline is part of different characters, and by following each character the player expects to turn away an unfortunate future for humankind.