Transformers: War For Cybertron is Netflix‘s latest acquisition for the vast catalog. The show is awesome for transformers lovers and people who are new to the franchise. However, in the pre-announced trilogy plans, the second installment is set to hit the screens really soon. The Six Episodes were premiering back in July this year of the first chapter.
The first chapter of this trilogy, “Siege,” is receiving praise from the viewers and critics alike. And now the second installment “Earthrise” is set to please the audience with another six 23-minute episodes!

Schedule for the Earthrise release in the new Transformers chapter:-
For the time being, Netflix wants to keep all the scheduling under wraps. However, this is another show in production in the “coming soon” box. On September 28th, Netflix has put out a promotional teaser for the brand new Earthrise.

Legacy of Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy and precious installments:-
Lots of the great characters from the original, minus the annoying and cheesy human characters. The series carries a much more grim tone relative to the preceding franchise products. Also, the back story and each faction’s motivation for the events that occur is an excellent commentary on what it actually means to be free. Additionally what compels a being to go to war out of survival conquest or revenge. The old school animation tried to convey this, but was just by what was available at the time.
Now it’s 2024 – animation technology, storytelling, and dialogue have come a long way. Also, these creators have done a good job, paying close attention to the original source material. However, that homage while making subtle, yet clever changes in character development.
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