The 100 Extended Promo Out: Know What The Series Finale Has In Store

The 100 Finale Feature
After seven seasons and 100 episodes, The 100 is approaching towards a closure.

For fans of “The 100”, it’s exciting, but also kind of a bittersweet moment. The upcoming episode will bring curtains to the Seventh season and the franchise. The series takes place ninety-seven years post a nuclear winter has destroyed humanity on Earth. However, when a spaceship housing civilization’s lone survivors sends one hundred juvenile lawbreakers back to Earth, in hopes of possibly re-civilize and re-establish civilization the planet.

Now with this upcoming episode, the season finale, everything is set to end once and for all.

The 100 Finale Media
The 100: Bob Morley and the crew will all return one last time to reprise their roles.

The latest extended cut promo of the season finale:-

The CW has put out one final straw of promotion with a brand new video on YouTube. Here’s the video for all of you.

Scheduled release for the final episode of the franchise:-

The CW show will telecast the Sixteenth and the last episode on Season Seven on September 30th, 2024. The airtime will stick to 20:00 hrs Eastern Time like the rest of the episodes in the set. The final episode is titled “The Last War” which puts the possibility of hell going down on the table.

However, the future of the franchise might not ever take place. That doesn’t mean that this story doesn’t have the potential for more content. Possibility of further franchise might lie in the prequel of a spinoff.

The last episode will feature the situation after all the war and loss, Clarke and her pals have reached the final battle. But is humanity worthy of something greater than war?

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Penultimate episode of The 100 on The CW will bring closure to the dystopian story of the great future.

Legacy of The 100 over 100 episodes so far:-

The 100 is an American post-apocalyptic drama television series. Viewers love the franchise because it has a unique storyline. Ninety-Seven years after a nuclear apocalypse, 100 prisoners sent back down to the Earth. That’s an experiment to see if it is survivable for the ark with it lacks resources.

This franchise achieves something that not a lot of series can do. It gets better with every season progressively. The character development is excellent and realistic in realms of the show. Honestly, the audiences don’t know exactly what to feel other than that this is a great franchise. The show features a plausible story and writing that makes sense. There aren’t considerable plot-holes in the TV show which is extremely important for a sci-fi show.

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