All you need to know about of The Walking Dead Season 10 finale

The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead Poster : Image: AMC

The Walking Dead is an American horror series of AMC which is based on the comic book series The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. The series premiered in October 2010, and from then onwards it has become a fan favourite.

The series has had ten seasons so far, and it is one of the most-watched series ever. The first half of the series was released in October 2019 and the second half released in February 2024.

The second half of Season 10 was stopped abruptly just before the season finale episode, i.e., Episode 16. The episode “A Certain Doom” was supposed to air on 12th April, 2024 but because of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, it couldn’t be aired. The post-production of episode 16 is yet to be finished.

AMC had no choice but to air episode 16 of season 10 as a temporary finale. The episode “The Tower” was left at a cliff-hanger. The fans are waiting with bated breath for the last episode of the season.

News about the possible release date

To the major disappointment of the fans, the finale episode couldn’t be aired as the VFX, sounds effects etc., is not ready to be aired yet.

Angela Kang, the show-runner of The Walking Dead, said “We usually deliver the episodes for a big effects-heavy episode about two weeks before we air. We were about a week and a half out at the point which California shut down.…. So we’re very, very close to finishing”.

According to her, by the time this pandemic is over, and everything is back to normal, they will be almost done with the post-production of the last episode.
We can safely say that the last episode will be aired by the end of 2024.

What can we expect in “A Certain Doom” –

Episode 15 was basically a teaser of Episode 16. So, we will be getting answers to all the questions we had in Episode 16.

Apart from the answers, one of the most fan-favourite character, Maggie, played by Lauren Cohan, will return in Episode 16 and we will know what she has been up to in the time of her absence.

We will also see some more of the new character of Season 10.

Lauren Cohan aka Maggie returns in season finale
Lauren Cohan aka Maggie returns in the season finale.
Image: AMC

You can check out the trailer of Season 10 finale down below –

Apart from the season 10 finale, it is said that there will be two more seasons of The Walking Dead. In fact production of Season 11 has already started. So, we can look forward to that in the next year.

Stay tuned to us to know more about The Walking Dead.