Choose the Right Editor for Your Book


Thinking of how to choose the right editor for your books? Well, choosing an editor is not a very easy task to do, especially if you are doing it for the very first time. Several things need to be considered carefully before deciding who you are going to trust your book with.

This article discusses 5 tips that will help you choose the right editor for your book.

1. Determine What Sort of Editing Help You Need


Editing can be of different types, ranging from developmental edits to simple proofreading. While developmental editors will provide you with a view of the strong and weak spots in your writing, the proofreader will simply show the spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Apart from these two examples, there are various forms of editing in between. So it is important to realize and meticulously decide what sort of editing help you require. Many editors offer mixed services, which is a great thing. Don’t get startled if you realize that you need more than one editor to complete your story. Visit

2. Decide Your Budget

After deciding what kind of service you want from the editor, determine how much you are willing to spend on editing. Set a range and stick to that. Don’t just spend a few extra dollars on editing based on how much you think you can earn from the book. The fact is that spending an extra thousand dollars won’t just simply earn you an extra thousand dollars on your book.

3. Consider Your Timeframe


You may get surprised looking at how quickly the editors become booked out. Many great editors even get booked out months in advance. So don’t try to find the editor for your book at the very last moment. Otherwise, the chance is high that you will either end up paying a lot more than your range or choosing the editor who was not at the top of your list.

Roughly figure out a time when you will reach the point where you will need an editor. After gauging the approximate time frame, search for an editor and book them in advance.

4. Alternatives to Google Search for ‘Editors’

You can think of simply using google search to look for an editor, which is an easy way to find many search results. The top ones of the search results are likely to be more popular and expensive. If you have a lot of money to spend, of course, choose the best one from there. But if you don’t have the money to spare, the search results may disappoint you. In that case, we will suggest you look into writing forums like the official Kindle boards, Goodreads, World Lit Café, NaNoWriMo, Kboards, and many others. People advertise their skills on these forums, and you will find posts that show what service exactly editors offer at different prices. You can also ask for recommendations there. From there, you can make a list that seems to meet your needs in your settled budget range.

5. Conversation with the Editor


Talk openly with the editors about their charges and service to avoid any future costing or service-related issues. Below are some points that you need to check before finalizing the editor.

Talk about the Price They Charge

Ask the editors what kind of services they exactly provide. Also, know the price they charge for their service. The cost of book editing varies from editor to editor. While some charge by the project, many others charge the fee based on word counts or hours. Some editors charge per page. In that case, ask how many words are considered one page as it varies. Some just count pages and others will tell you they count 500 words as a page.

Ask the Editor To Do a Sample Edit

Ask the editor from your pick-up list to do sample work before you hire them. Don’t hire anyone without seeing the sample work. Ask three or more editors to edit a sample of your novel before choosing the final editor or editors.

From their sample editing, you will get a good idea of how they edit, which issues they are picking up, what are things they are looking into, and whether their styles will blend perfectly with yours or not.

Review Their Experience

Practice makes a man perfect! It is no exception when it comes to editing. Experienced writers can address issues and provide you exactly what you need. They have a good grasp on understanding what you are looking for. They are more likely to finish the work professionally within your desired time.

So, ask for an example work of theirs. It will save both of you from extra hassle.
Usually, experienced editors have experience working for some traditional publishers. Check if they have experience as an in-house editor and for how many years. This experience allows the editors to understand what is trending inside the industry.

Do They Specialize in a Genre?


Some experienced editors are good at editing books of all genres, but many others specialize in one or two particular genres. Many editors claim themselves fiction book editors or non-fiction book editors rather than one or two particular genres. It will be great if you can find an editor who has a specialty and good experience working in the same genre or category as your book. If you are working on a self-help book, of course, it won’t be very wise to choose an editor who has a specialization in editing children’s storybooks! And if you are writing a fictional narrative, it’s better to go for a fiction editor.

Short tips for publishing a book

When it comes to publishing a book, there are several important tips to keep in mind. Firstly, start by thoroughly researching the publishing industry and familiarize yourself with the various options available, such as traditional publishing, self-publishing, or hybrid models. Next, focus on crafting a compelling and well-edited manuscript. If you need assistance with writing, consider finding a reliable ghostwriter from who can bring your ideas to life.

When searching for a ghostwriter, ensure they have a strong portfolio and positive reviews. Additionally, build a platform by establishing a professional author website, engaging on social media, and networking with other authors. Finally, don’t forget to thoroughly proofread your manuscript before submitting it to publishers or self-publishing platforms.

We know you don’t want an editor who will just try to make you feel good. If they just keep sugar-coating your work, there is no point in having one. The editor’s job is to find the things you need to change. Pay close attention to what your editors ask you to change, but don’t rush. Take time and decide on what your final piece will look like.
We wish you luck with your masterpiece!