Just Cause 4: How To Fix the Crash?


Just Cause 4 can be referred to as one of the titles from the Epic Games Store which is free. If you’ve downloaded the game to combat your boredom and you are facing problems playing the game, you are at the right place.

Just Cause 4 Hero

The frustration is justified as there is nothing else to do, you can’t even step out of your home, what would you do? Play video games, right. The bug here with this game is, most of the people are unable to load the game. It keeps crashing, as reported by some gamers.

The fix is mandatory while practising social distancing during the lockdown. So chill out gamers, we’ve got a way for you.

Remember, this is a temporary fix, it may or may not work for all. Also, there is a hope that the developers soon release an official fix for the crash. But if you finally want to play the game, like now, you have to be a bit tricky, here is what you can do.

How to avoid Just Cause 4 from crashing on your PC?

If you just open the game and it keeps crashing then there is one simple thing you can do, even if it is temporary, you can try it. Some of the players wrote on Reddit that, if you disconnect your PC from the internet let it be any connection (Wi-Fi or wired), it will let you jump online directly without any crash.

Just Cause 4

This will for sure, restrict you from doing multitasking but can be helpful in decreasing your frustration. The connectivity issue can be for various reasons, like, many people downloading the game in the same period of time from the Epic Games Store.

Meanwhile, the developer Avalanche is busy gathering information regarding computer specifications of users. Also, they are checking users’ Epic Games Store account. The developer is doing whatever possible to figure out the exact reason of the bug.

Although, it is still not confirmed, whether the connectivity issue is the main problem or not, but disconnecting can be a resolution worthy to give it a try.