Haikyuu Season 5 will Releasing in 2024


Haikyuu is a series that follows the story of a middle school student named Hinata Shouyou. He is a passionate volleyball lover from observing a national championship on TV. As a result, he joins his school club. Luckily, then he was able to have five other players by his side.  Later, according to the anime, his newly formed team participates in competition. But the result was against them.  But it does not shake his confidence; rather, he vows to grow in the most exceptional player. Now let’s see what is new in season 5.

Release Date:  When will Haikyuu, Season 5 release?

The new season is going to release in July 2024. The exact date has not been confirmed yet. But it is under the assumption that the release date may delay due to the current  Corona pandemic. It may take time up to the next tear and the season 4 on OCT’20.

(IMAGE: Pinterest)

Continuation of season 4…

The story continued when Karasuno entered the nationals. The struggle and the experience he gains from the fight across the globe is the focusing figure of season 5. Meanwhile, the only alliance between Hinata and Kageyama turned into a strong friendship. Now, this is going to help both of them and the team in fighting the challenges altogether.

Where to Watch the Online Dub Version: Season 5

Crunchyroll is the official medium to watch the series. But you may find it in the subbed version. For the dub version, you have to wait a little for the Netflix update. However, viewers in UK/US Netflix may have to wait a little bit longer than usual. Release of seasons 3 and 4 are yet to be on the platform. Currently, there is no information on when theses two-season will come to UK/US Netflix. Hopefully, the third installment will be released within the next couple of months. And you guys don’t have to wait for long.

Shōyō Hinata in Haikyuu

(IMAGE: Pinterest)

Haikyuu is a top-rated anime series by the Japanese animation studio. The adaptation is based on the shonen manga series, Shoyo Hinata. For more information stick to our page and update yourself.