6 Misconceptions People Have About Wigs and Hair Pieces


Wigs used to be used among the rich strata of people in Europe, but today many people use them. So, they use them for different reasons. There are people for whom wigs are a great way to compensate for hair loss and they look like nothing has happened to them. On the other hand, some people find it simply fun to constantly change their styles, colors and lengths. Of course, there is no better way to experiment with different styles. That way you will not harm your it and you will always look different. This is an opportunity to try a variety of new hairstyles before making any permanent changes.

However, there are various misconceptions among people. And that refers to price, appearance or discomfort. There are many other rumors that indicate some bad sides of the wig. Disinformation is certainly circulating, which influences the formation of a misconception about wigs and hair pieces. Keep reading and find out some of the most popular misconceptions.

1. The wig does not have to be washed often

If you constantly wear a wig or an insert made of natural hair, treat it as it deserves. So, you need to treat it like your own, because that is the only way it will look beautiful and healthy. However, no one has the same habit when it comes to washing and so someone washes more often than others. This means that people who do not use a wig every day do not have to wash it more often if they maintain it properly or comb it and use the right products. We can say that this is actually an individual habit that depends exclusively on the needs of those who wear a wig.

If you wear it constantly, wash it at least once a week. When we mention the importance of maintaining this hair, we mean special preparations, brushes, etc. In that way, you will surely prolong their lifespan. This will positively affect the color, shine and shape.

2. The wig can be combed while wet

Hairdressers do not recommend combing your natural hair while it is wet, because that way you tear it. Only after it has dried well can you brush over it and you will not endanger it. Same thing can be applied to a wig. So, this is combed only when it is completely dry, so as not to deform the shape. Of course, then products are used that are intended for such occasions, balm, conditioner, etc. This should only take a few minutes if you do this correctly.

During combing, use a special brush that does not ruffle. These can be any quality brushes that are made in such a way that they do not damage. These items have rounded teeth of different lengths that will not pull or pull if it is synthetics. On the other hand, teeth with a rubber tip are better for natural hair. They separate the strands and will not affect the base of wig.

3. The wig is always visible

One of the most common misconceptions is that people with wigs are immediately recognizable. This is not true. It is not so easy to notice it on someone’s head. Just think how many times celebrities completely transform their appearance by changing the length and color every few days. Have you guessed every time that it’s actually hair that isn’t theirs? We doubt it, because it is almost impossible.

You can only understand how glamorous they all look, by no means fake. So, maybe wigs used to have a scanty look, but today it is different. They look extremely natural and healthy and that is great news for all people who have some kind of problems.

4. Styling wigs and hair pieces is difficult

Of course, you need some knowledge and experience in this. However, it is something that is very easy to learn and adopt as a habit. It may not be that easy when you do some things for the first time, but remember how hard it was for you the first time you tried it. It is nothing more difficult than a braid that you successfully make from the second or third time.

You can certainly always consult your hairdresser or supplier like blackshowhair who will tell you exactly what to do. These are the people who have the right information for you and the answers to many questions. Don’t forget that exercise is the key thing and that you will get better at this. Don’t expect to be an expert right away, and if you are not completely sure, a hairdresser can always take care of you. You can also add some scarves, hats and other accessories that will make your it different and you will not need to style it further.

5. Universal size wig and hair pieces

Source: womanofstyleandsubstance.com

Finding the right for you is exactly the same as any other thing you have planned for yourself. For example, it refers to a piece of clothing or an accessory. All you need to do is look for those dimensions that will suit your body. You should use the same procedure when looking for the ideal wig that will fit your head. You will know this when a certain model gives you a pleasant feeling and a beautiful look that perfectly suits your natural characteristics. Of course, you also need to measure your head as when looking for a hat or cap.

6. Wigs and hair pieces easily fall off the head

Some people believe that it is enough to bend to make their wig fall out, but keep in mind that it is primarily used as part of the costume. So, they are worn by famous dancers, actors, etc. All this requires a lot of movement and action. The only problem that can happen to you is to choose the wrong wig that is too loose, but on the other hand, do not choose not too tight ones.


Keep in mind that this is definitely the most natural solution for hair loss, but also trying out hairstyles before you decide on a permanent one. We hope we have helped you see the real truth and forget about all the fake glassine circulating about wigs and hair pieces.