Simplicity Can Relaunch Your Brand: Here’s How


In an era marked by a clear crisis of values, companies and brands should implement operational strategies oriented towards a progressive simplification, towards a streamlining of procedures, simplifying as much as possible every phase of business life, from communication to marketing, from sales to customer service, with an innovative and pragmatic approach that revolves around the immense value of simplicity. It is also for this reason that CEOs and key executives of every company should follow special courses dedicated to the management of work and employees, to the organization of the different departments that animate a company, also taking advantage of some notions borrowed from Eastern disciplines and applied to modernity, to the daily work. The results that can be obtained, in terms of productivity and optimization – but also from the point of view of employee well-being – are truly exceptional, and certainly deserve to be explored further.

The paths to simplification are endless


Every company, in such a complex historical phase, should by now have learned to familiarize itself with the concept of smartworking, thus allowing its employees to carry out part of their work from home, in total serenity. The idea that an employee can be productive and efficient only in the office is not only retrograde, it is also completely wrong. The modern worker, or at least those who are accustomed to working and receiving a salary based on their productivity, are in fact accustomed to completing their tasks within certain deadlines and quality parameters that can in no way be neglected. This means that it is not important whether the workplace is the office or the home. The (few) business leaders who are still mired in this obtuse mindset, therefore, should understand that an employee’s value is measured by the quality of their work, and certainly not by the room or space in which it is performed. The global pandemic, from a certain point of view, has contributed decisively to dispelling the last remaining doubts about smart work, thus enabling many companies to take important steps towards digitization, optimization of resources and a different organization of work, much more agile and simplified than it was in the months leading up to the onset of the health emergency. Simplification also depends on these details, on the innovative ways in which everyday work is carried out.

Of course, simplification must also concern the company’s communication channels, such as the website and social pages of each brand. Each company website should consist of an intuitive landing page that leads each user to the call to action, which should be strategically scattered within each page. Of course, the website should be optimized for mobile devices, with an even more minimal and essential version than the traditional one for physical computers. In a few moments, the user must be able to find what he is looking for (don’t forget to include an internal search engine) and to communicate directly with a company representative, to whom he can submit all his doubts or requests for assistance regarding a specific product. Any barrier that may stand between the user and a fluid clutch of the site, therefore, must be eliminated, because it is absolutely nefarious and counterproductive. A heavy site, with a scattered interface and teeming with links and useless buttons, will immediately drive away any user. In this kind of sites, not only you won’t be able to find a solution to your problems, but it will also be almost impossible to navigate serenely because of the excessive heaviness of the pages.

Online and offline semplicity


In fact, very few words should appear on the site, only the essential ones, preferably written in highly visible characters and with great visual impact. It will be necessary to address users with a warm and welcoming tone of voice, without exaggerating too much with humor, but also avoiding using an excessively clerical and bureaucratic tone. When scrolling through the home page of the website from your cell phone, the user’s attention should be captured by simple and direct messages, addressed precisely to him, with a language as close as possible to his daily way of communicating. This approach will also improve the reciprocal relationship between the consumer and the brand, bringing them even closer thanks to the unconscious recognition, by the user, of a way of communicating and speaking very close to the one he uses every day with his friends and loved ones.

Even on social media it will be necessary to adopt a streamlined and pragmatic approach: on channels such as Facebook and Instagram, apart from rare exceptions, it will be necessary to adopt a concise and tight tone, with short and iconic sentences that are able to capture the user’s attention in a few seconds. Often, the best posts are the shortest ones, or at least those that in a few words are able to condense a precise communication message (and also an indirect call to action). In the era of visual communication, great attention should be paid to images and videos: also in this case, simplification and minimalism should be taken to the extreme, in order to attract even more effectively the attention of those who will visit your page. One of the most useful and interesting social media is undoubtedly Twitter, which has elevated simplification and brevity to the rank of a divine quality. With its short, fast and fun content, this social media can become a powerful tool to position yourself differently from your competitors, or even just for networking and public relations purposes.


Even some of the best online portals dedicated to gambling have embarked on the path of simplification: according to VegasSlotsOnline, each user will be able to choose from a wide selection of casino games and virtual slots, deciding whether to commit immediately with real money or to try first the free games, with which they can practice and increase their experience in the field, learning to know the games best suited to their tastes and their particular needs. Players will also have access to attractive bonuses, which can be obtained even without a deposit and in an extremely simple manner. There is no need to worry about the reliability of individual sites: each game has been selected by a team of experts, who have evaluated the reliability, reputation and security, as well as the punctuality of payments of winnings. On these sites, the real fun is at your fingertips, and is accessible to all.

Once you take the path of simplification, the benefits will be so obvious that this new approach to work will become a way of life, capable of affecting people’s private lives in ways you never thought possible.