SVU Boss Season 22: Premiere Won’t Solve The Cliffhanger! What Happened?

Special Victims Unit Feature
Fans of Law&Order: Special Victims Unit will have to wait in order to see a conclusion to the cliffhanger left behind by Finale for Season 21 of the show.

For the fans of Law&Order, a brand new season is on the horizon with the Special Victims Unit. Although there are some reports claiming that things are going to be very different for the start of next season. Often times we see shows capitalize on the cliffhanger left in the preceding season for the premiere of the next. NBC, however, have changed their tunes with the extraordinary times.

An explosive finale concluded the twenty-first instalment of the show. Titled, “Things that we have to lose“, the series finale aired on April 23, 2024. But as we all know, the world has changed a lot since March.

All productions were fit in some way, shape, and form by the global COVID-19 outbreak and other real-life events. SVU is no different, and hence the showrunners took a different approach.

Special Victims Unit
Special Victims Unit Season Twenty-Two promises the same rush and excitement but with a twist.

The cliffhanger and consequences in SVU:-

[Warning: Spoilers]

In the season Twenty-One finale we saw Sir Tobias Moore, the predatory villain of the story, suffered a Heart Attack. However, it wasn’t revealed if he survived the scare or not. That is the major cliffhanger as the trials of Moore are set to begin imminently.

Although it’s his crime that has been the through-line for the series, fans will have to wait a little longer. The SVU showrunner, Warren Leight, made it clear that the initial episodes won’t be a regular continuation to the story. It will be concerning much more important real-life events.

Events in reality leading up to Season 22:-

Protests against police brutality is rampant in the whole of United States. Ever since the alleged murder of George Floyd, there’s a major backlash against the Policing system of the US. Every cop related show need to be very careful in taking steps to not add fuel to fire.

Meanwhile, to address these concerns, Law & Order: SVU will dedicate the first few episodes to capture the reality and gravity of these incidents. The characters in the show will deal with the consequences they are facing being part of the Police.

It will definitely be interesting to see which way the creators take the narrative in the show. It’s so difficult to be unbiased these days. No matter how hard they try, the show will either be Pro-Police or Pro-Protestors. It’s a difficult call but one that must be taken.

All questions will be answered on November 12, 2024, when the Twenty-Second season premieres.

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