What coming up next in ‘Mandalorian’?

fight for right
Fighting is their right!
It is a well-known fact that Mandalorian is a huge success for Disney Plus. It was quite successful in creating a place in the heart of fans. Fans got crazy for Mandalorian, storyline, the plot of the show, the way it connected with Star Wars Universe, and also The Child.
Now it’s very clear that makers are getting back with a season two. So let’s have a look at the possible cast.
We have stars to fight for us!-Mandalorian
We have real stars on the ground too.

Are any characters coming back in Mandalorian?

In the second season it is most likely that we get to see some familiar faces from season 1 as Pedro Pascal will continue doing her role and character as mandalorian but not to forget its a familiar voice not face.
Apart from Pascal Carl Weathers and Gina Carano would be returning, who play Greef Karga and Cara Dune respectively.
Along with these there are few names that would be well known to Star Wars Fans. Rosaria Dawson would be new to Star Wars Universe but not her character, she would be playing Ahsoka Tano which is one the iconic characters of the Star Wars.
Shine in the War!
Ahsoka was acquainted with fans through The Clone Wars. Initially voiced by Ashley Eckstein, Ahsoka was Anakin’s Padawan between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. One might say, Ahsoka and Anakin were fundamentally the same.
They were imprudent, regularly addressed requests, and attempted to concur with the Jedi Code. In any case, dissimilar to Anakin, Ahsoka left both the Jedis and the Siths. 

What does ending brings to us?

In the event that you haven’t completed the finish of The Clone Wars (folks, it’s been out for four days. What’s happening with you? Go watch!), we won’t ruin the end, however, we will say that Ahsoka endures the finale.
Which we definitely knew as she’s a significant Rebel pioneer in Star Wars: Rebels. 
Let's begin the Star Wars!-Mandalorian
When you are right, you have to fight for it.
The Mandalorian happens five years after Return of the Jedi, we may at long last get the chance to get familiar with her whereabouts in the first set of three. 

Who all are coming back in Season 2 of Mandalorian?

In any case, Ahsoka isn’t the main ‘Star Wars’ character coming in Season 2. Boba Fett is making his arrival. Temuera Morrison is returning to the Star Wars universe in Season 2 of The Mandalorian.
He played Jango Fett in Attack of the Clones and we as a whole realize that Jango assumed an unimaginably significant job in making the clones. One of the clones, Boba Fett, was brought up as his child, until Boba was left watching Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) execute his “father”. 
We’ve seen Boba return in The Clone Wars and in the first set of three. And keeping in mind that we thought he was executed in the Sarlacc pit in Return of the Jedi, he showed up again in the game Star Wars: Battlefront, which is viewed as standard and affirmed that he was fit as a fiddle
Last Forever.-Mandalorian
Smile to fight.
So the course of events lines up for Boba to have the option to return for The Mandalorian. Also, taking into account that Boba is a clone of his dad, it bodes well that the entertainer who played his dad would return to play him. 
It’s likewise been noticed that having Temuera returned opens the entryway for additional clones to return, specifically one Captain Rex. Since it was affirmed that Captain Rex fought on End or, it additionally lines up that he would have the option to make an arrival during Mandalorian’s time frame.