Students face many challenges when enrolling in college. One of the most common challenges is writing a personal statement. This is a very serious task, because the personal statement is a key item in the process of enrolling in college. The competition can be great, and then it is important to write the best possible paper. It is an opportunity to present solid reasons why you should attend a certain faculty. This is a short work that talks about you, your past, your ambitions, personality and your interests.
You need to reassure them that your application will be approved. However, a personal statement can be used for many other purposes. Don’t forget that it is necessary to express the good sides of your personality as much as possible, and the number of allowed words is limited. So use the following tips and tricks if you want to achieve good results.
1. Be specific

Before writing, it is important to be well informed about where you are applying and for what. Ask yourself, “Why me?” You need to know what you can offer the organization, and also what you get from it. When you know why you need to be elected, then you need to be specific in your personal statement. Writing specific skills and experiences is much better than generalizing. It is important to state what competencies you have to be part of an organization or something similar. It is also important to state how these competencies can contribute to the organization you are applying for.
At the same time, you have to state your motivation to be a part of that collective. It must be concise and concrete because people who read do not have enough time or concentration to dedicate 100% to your letter. In the personal statement itself, you need to present yourself in the best possible light. As with the interview, one should avoid talking about some insecurities, personal fears and bad life experience.
2. Be honest
It is equally important that the information in the text is true. This applies not only to your personal data, but also to opinions, attitudes, values and everything else that describes you. It is wrong to exaggerate your achievements and skills in order to secure enrollment in college. Don’t forget that your statement is evaluated by very experienced people who will easily notice your insincerity.
3. Make a plan

Experts advise all people to make the first version of their statement that does not contain filters. This means that you will not take into account the number of words while writing the draft. If you are constantly thinking about the number of words, you will probably miss a lot of important information, because you are constantly in a panic. So don’t think about it much, be free and we are sure that you will be able to write down all the important things. If you are not sure how to make a detailed plan check at how experts involved in personal statement writing services would do it.
4. Use persuasive words
If there is a way to improve the words you use in the statement, do so. That way, your statement will be much more convincing. For example, you can use a dictionary and search for synonyms for words in a draft. A great tool is an online dictionary. However, if you do not have time to do this, you can always contact the experts who provide your essay writing services. They have great vocabulary that is adapted to the type of essay. This means that they will use perfect words and thus enrich your statement.
5. Find a good introductory word

An appropriate introductory word will interest the reader to continue reading your statement with full attention. The introductory word is very important for any essay or paper. Start your work with the most important points that you have previously considered well. Let that be what the commission wants to hear. Stay clear and direct, don’t use a lot of adjectives and descriptions. It is recommended to use an active voice and strong verbs. Focus on positive statements and avoid negative statements as much as possible.
6. Avoid brainstorming and writing at the same time
So, don’t try to do this, because you will get bad results. Separate these two actions by finding the right time for each. Try not to be stressed while doing this. Whenever you get inspired, write down your ideas or experiences without taking notes. Place them in a visible place. It would be best to use examples from everyday life or from your life experiences. You can also opt for a few key experiences that will be your main argument.
7. Write understandably

This part refers to grammar, but also to punctuation. Also remove any unnecessary words. For example, these are ‘based on, in terms of’. Finally, check the linearity. Find the subjects and verbs in each sentence and check how they relate. Every paragraph needs to look good. This means that it corresponds to the structure of the work. Check spelling. While writing, stay as focused as possible on yourself and don’t linger too long on the courses or places you volunteered.
8. Start on time
Don’t wait until the last minute to start writing a paper. Although personal statements do not require much writing, you will need to write a few drafts and do extra work. Only then will your statement look right. Don’t forget that you have to go through all the stages of writing. For example, you will have to figure out what you want to write until you finally check your work in detail. Therefore, it is recommended that you start writing at least 2 months in advance.
Within the personal statement, the essence is to show the reader of that letter what specifically motivates you to address him. It also describes very briefly the benefits that the organization has received from you. The most important thing is to present your motivation as concretely and specifically as possible. If you write general phrases, you will not stand out from the competition, because you will sound like them.