The Grand Tour: Season 4 Updates


The Grand Tour, is a British motoring TV series which is created by Richard Harmond, Jeremy Clarkson, Andy William and James May. The series is exclusively produced by Amazon for its online streaming platform, Amazon Prime.

The Grand Tour
Image by – First Post

The series was premiered on November 18, 2016, and is originally contracted with 36 episodes over the counter of three years.

The project is currently on its fourth season on Amazon Prime and it is named as “The Grand Tour Presents”.

The Grand Tour: Season 4 Episode 2 Release

It’s been a long time since when the fans are excited and waiting for the second episode of the fourth season. As told to Press by Jeremy, episode 2 is ready to be aired on Prime and there are many episodes that are yet to come. However, the regularity of the release dates of these episodes is not mentioned as the crew has to keep moving constantly. At present, the production team is located on the island of Madagascar.

Image by – Motor1

The second episode is supposed to be released in May 2024 and the information is confirmed by Jeremy himself. However, the rest of the season has been postponed till further notice. The reason for this is the limitation of travelling due to the COVID-19 virus. The crew is taking every precautions and measures to stay safe.

What will happen in the second episode?

The confirmed plotline has not been announced yet and no information regarding it is public till now. However, Jeremy gave a piece of information regarding this episode to the Global news.

She stated that the episode will begin on the French overseas territory island of La Reunion. The episode will end in Madagascar featuring many attractive leisure points. she further added.

The trailer of the second episode of The Grand Tour has not revealed yet, but we have a teaser that addresses the delay in the release of it.

Watch it here.