7 Essentials You Should Bring On Your First Hiking Trip – 2024 Guide

Source: pexels.com

If you are interested in spending more time in nature, hiking represents one of the best activities where you can enjoy wildlife. If you never went on such an adventure, we suggest you choose a shorter route and be sure to bring all the necessary equipment with you. You can select the equipment depending on how long you are planning to stay and the type of terrain.

Also, you should consider other factors, like temperature, weather conditions, available stores near hiking places, and more. You have to be sure that you brought everything with you. Therefore, we are going to introduce you to the essentials for your first hiking trip.

1. Navigation System

Source: verywellfit.com

Even though most people today are using smartphones with integrated GPS navigation, the issue by relying only on that while hiking is that you will drain the battery much faster, or find yourself in an area without a network connection. Therefore, the best option is to buy proper navigation. You can check this to see some of the best devices for hikers. The main advantage is that they are using a satellite network and have excellent battery life that can last for days.

2. Proper Clothing

Another important thing is to bring proper clothes in your backpack. You should consider the fact that it can be much colder during the night, even if you choose to go on this adventure during summer. Therefore, bring a jacket along with extra pair of clothes in case that you got wet or dirty. Also, check the weather forecast to check if there is a chance for rain. Also, you should know that synthetic is a much better option, especially for wet conditions since you will dry much faster.

3. First Aid Equipment

Source: mountainsmagleb.com

You should never forget to pack a proper first-aid package. You may also want to take Toronto CPR Courses.. There is always a risk of some injury, especially if you are going to hike over rocky terrains and challenging routes. In case that you can get a scratch on some tree, or cut on a rock, or any other object, you are at risk of infection. In that matter, you should immediately deal with the injury to prevent more serious side-effects. Besides that, if you have allergies or any type of chronic disease, be sure to take proper medication.

4. Food

Depending on how much you are planning to stay in the wild, you have to be sure to bring enough food. If you are going on a one-day tour, it won’t be a problem to pack enough nutrition for the whole day. However, you will need to properly determine the amount if you are going to stay in the wild for a couple of days. Besides the food, water is essential, especially in areas where you won’t be able to reach drinking water. It is popular for hikers to bring tents with themselves.

In that case, you will need proper equipment as well. Also, you can create a fireplace where you can prepare food as well. This is a very popular choice for most people. Making a tent in the woods and preparing food on the fire is a unique experience.

5. Proper Shoes

Source: salomon.com

Standard sneakers are not the best choice for hikers, especially when you are planning to climb over rocky terrains or go through a thick forest. In that matter, be sure to bring a pair of proper shoes that will provide you with enough comfort and secure your ankles from injury. Luckily, the market is full of boots specially designed for hiking, and you can choose from a wide price range and quality.

6. Backpack

The common mistake for people who are going on hiking for the first time is that they would try to pack everything in a bag or regular backpack. Even if you have enough space, the hiking backpack has much more storage and pockets, where you can pack everything in a much better way. Also, it will be easier for you to reach everything you need at the moment.

7. Additional Tools

Source: mytrailco.com

You can easily determine what tools you need according to the area where you are going. Also, you should always wear a knife and ropes since they can be useful in various situations. Besides that, you will need zip ties, duct tape, a lighter, and more. Furthermore, we have to mention additional equipment that will make your trip much more interesting, such as binoculars, which you can use to observe nature, wild animals, birds, and more.
Also, a camera is great for creating amazing videos of your adventure. It is very popular for people today to share various content on social media and other online services. Therefore, you can even start a career as an influencer where you can show people the benefits of hiking. Moreover, if there are rivers alongside your route, you could bring a fishing tool as well.

Last Words

For people with a lack of experience, all of this equipment might seem like too much for a one-day trip, but most of the things in this list represent essentials that will make it much easier for you while being in the wild. The first thing to buy is a proper backpack, which should have different pockets and a lot of storage. Besides that, there is a wide selection of food specially made for hikers, that you can easily prepare on fire, like ramen, can food, and more.

It is crucial to provide a backpack with enough resources according to the time that you are going to spend on your adventure. Be sure to don’t forget any of these essentials since you might lose all day in case that you must go back for something. For example, if you forget to bring enough water, wear inappropriate shoes, forget an extra pair of clothes, or a jacket. That is the main reason to learn more about hiking and necessary equipment before you determine where to travel.