Inflatable Canoes and Kayaks 101 – 2024 Guide


If you are looking for some outdoor activity that includes water, kayaking can be a great experience you can try. While you are exploring nature and enjoying the peace that water brings, you can really spend time in the best possible way. Also, this watersport can have a positive effect on your overall health, both physically and mentally. Despite that, if you want to include your friends or family in this activity, you can make things even more interesting. Even if this sounds tempting, if you are a beginner, you should gather some information before you start kayaking. This can be a perfect and exciting new hobby you can enjoy if you approach this in the right way.

In this article, we prepared some tips for you on how to get started and find everything you should know about it. However, if you want to read the full guide version, you should visit You will find some of the best canoes and kayaks that will allow you to enjoy to the fullest without spending a lot of money.

Different kayak types

In the list below, you will find various types of kayaks, so you can consider which one will suit you the most.

  • Sit-on-top type of kayak

This kayak type is the most popular among people because it is used for recreation. As probably all of you already know, this one does not include an enclosed seat. Logically, it is very easy to enter and exit this kayak compared to all other types. The advantage of sit-on-top kayaks are stability, openness and they are recommended for beginners.

  • Touring type of kayak

These kayaks are pretty long and they have small cockpits. Usually, this kayak type chooses experienced athletes because of the unique structure. More precisely, the two most important features of this type are narrowness and length. With them, people can take long trips across the water and be safe while they are kayaking.

  • Whitewater type of kayak

This kayaking type is created for people who like challenging tasks. It requires a lot more effort and strength than a paddling type. There are four different types of whitewater kayaks including playboats, creek boats, river runners, and longboats. If you choose this model, you will need to wear a helmet.

  • The inflatable type of kayaks

This type is very similar to the first sit-on-top type. Inflatable kayaks are quite popular in Canada and across the USA. They are much easier to operate with and control and could be great for a beginner to learn the ropes. If you want to enjoy in relaxing kayaking experience on calmer lakes, this could be a perfect solution for you

  • Child-sized kayaks

As the title says, there is a special kayak type for children. They are smaller, so youth kayakers can enjoy this outdoor sports water experience.

Guide for beginners


Choose the right kayak

We listed different models, so it is up to you to research and find the right one for you. You need to consider a couple of things while you are purchasing the kayak such as type of water, size (solo/family-sized model), weight capacity, and price. After you do that, you can check the website we previously attached and check which model meets your requirements and expectations.

Maintaining a kayak

If you decide to have your own kayak, you need to know how to properly care about it. Luckily, the proper care is simple and it includes UV protection stray, drying a kayak after every use with a towel, and clean it with inflatable boat cleaner to remove any dirt.

Storage and Transport

Kayaks are generally easy to pack and store. Also, they are easy to transport. When you are storing it, you need to completely dry it and pack it into a storage bag that comes with your kayak model. Other than that, you can leave your kayak in some cool space, garage, or on a kayak rack.

Necessary things you need for kayaking


The paddle is the first necessary thing you need to choose if you want to try with this new sport activity. While you are choosing the right paddle for you, it is essential to consider the measure of your torso and the kayak width. The second thing you will need is a lifejacket. This is the part of the equipment that you need to have whatever sports activity you chose. When you are purchasing a lifejacket, it should fit you comfortably. In other words, it should not be too tight or too loose. And the third essential equipment type you will need is a bilge pump. In case you will need to quickly drain the water of your kayak, a bilge pump will help you complete that task successfully. With these three essential parts of the equipment, you will feel safe and secure while you are kayaking.

How to get started?

In the further text, you will find out how you should operate a kayak and what you should do on your first time out. In general, when you find yourself on the first time kayaking, you will see how fun an experience this can be. The first thing you should do is to read all the necessary instructions that come with the model you chose. This is very important because of the fact that every model has a different setup.

If you are kayaking for the first time, you should choose a nice and sunny day for that activity. You want to ensure that your first kayaking experience is comfortable. If you are battling with bad weather such as rain and wind, you will have trouble handling and operating your kayak. You should feel how the kayak function in normal condition, so you can know how to handle paddles. Also, ensure you are safe while you are going on this adventure. You can consider taking some friends with you, which will make things a lot more fun and supportive.

How to get into the kayak

If you are getting into the kayak from the shore, you need to move the kayak as close to the shoreline and then sit in it. After that, use your arms to push yourself into the water until you feel that you are floating on the water surface.


In case you are getting into the kayak from the dock, you will have a more challenging task. Try keeping your kayak parallel to the dock. After that, place your paddles in the way you can easily grab your seat. You need to remember that you will enter the kayak with more difficulty if you are higher. So, you should sit on the lowest point of the dock. When you are sitting on the edge of the dock, you need to lower your feet and place them into the kayak. After that, you should quickly place your whole body towards the front of the kayak and seat down.

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