Document Checklist to Apply for the Australian Citizenship Application


Getting citizenship from a new country is a very complicated and gruelling task, especially if you don’t have anyone to help you. Tons of papers, documents, tests, questions, applications and so on are just a part of what is expecting you if you are thinking of applying for new citizenship.

Citizenship change can happen for many reasons but one of the most often ones are a new job, a change of place, secure life and so on. Our world is constantly changing and we all feel those changes. Some parts of the world change for the good while others do not so much. Thanks to those facts most people tend to change their place of life and search for a more stable, safe and better country.

Numerous countries are, according to news and research deemed as very good or the best to live in. For several years now Australia ranks pretty high on that list and we see a lot of people opting to go and live there. It is a very nice, diverse and culturally rich country that is rather welcoming to newcomers, especially young ones that have a lot to contribute.

Since Australia is the topic of the day, we will tell you something about the documents you need to gather if you are considering applying for Australian citizenship. If you need any help with the CitizenshipTestAustralia then you can find all the help right there!

1. Photo and signature


The first thing out of all documents for any kind of citizenship application you need to get is your image and your signature. This is the first step towards your new life somewhere else. When it comes to this you can pick almost any document containing one or both of these like your ID card or even better the page from your passport with all of this info. This is the first step where you as an applicant prove that you are the one applying for citizenship. Based on this the government will do all kinds of checks and if you’re all cleared, you are one step closer to citizenship in Australia

2. Current residential address

For them to know where you are located and where you live currently you will also have to have some kind of a document that is proving your current residential address. Now, this can be almost any type of document that ties your name to a certain address and the best options you can pick are the bills – electricity, cable, gas, or you can prepare a bank statement or even a rental contract if you do not own your property.

3. DOB or date of birth proof


Another very important document that proves your DOB and that shows elementary info on your parents. The best document that will be easily accepted is the birth certificate, but if you can’t get one for whatever reasons you still have options. You can provide a family or household registration document, or any other collection of documents issued to you previous to your application for Australia. Here, you will also be asked to provide any documents of a legal change of name and the documents that can prove those are usually – a non-commemorative formal marriage or divorce certificate, documentation from the Australian Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages or the appropriate international authorities or other official papers that indicate a connection between the names you’ve been known by in the past.

4. Community identity

Now, this is the part where many struggles and why many can be potentially turned down by Australian authorities. Here you need to prepare a passport-sized photo and a completed identification declaration. Get them both signed by someone who has the power to do so. The form of this type of declaration varies on the way you are applying for citizenship meaning that if you apply online you need to look for something called Form 1195 Identity Declaration, and if you are applying on paper you need to complete the form for identity declaration by yourself, correctly.

5. Photos


Photographs are another thing to have and you need to prepare several of them that are passport-sized ones and you also need to prepare those for each individual that is applying with you. This is probably the only straightforward task out of them all so don’t get it wrong. Look up the way you need to take your picture because there are some things you need to be aware of like being allowed to smile at all and similar things.

6. Penal clearances

This one goes without saying but you have to have a clean bill of health when it comes to legal issues. This means you must present foreign police certificates from any nation where you have been more than 90 days since becoming 18 years old, including your native country. Request a certificate from the country’s government or law enforcement agency. In some cases, you may be required to present a criminal clearance certificate.

Besides these, there are a lot of other documents you will probably, but not necessary, need to provide. This is up to the Australian government to deem as needed or not. Some of those documents may be proof of eligibility for any exemptions, discretions, or concessions, eligibility for the special residency requirement, residence (for New Zealand and British migrants), and your relationship with any children named in the application.

If the verification process is difficult for you, then program will be the fastest and most reliable way, which will facilitate the registration process.

Whenever you are applying for citizenship anywhere in the world you have to be highly precise, professional and punctual. These are the things that are looked at and these are also the things that may discredit you from obtaining citizenship.

Be careful with your documentation, gather everything and have it in one place. The best thing we can advise is to sort all of them according to the requirements and prepare all the other documents that are not deemed as needed right now, just in case you are put on a tight schedule and your governing bodies take extra time for those. Have everything in order and there is nothing to be afraid of.