Before you begin reading this article ask yourself if you are a religious person? Either way it may be and even if you’re not you are going to enjoy this article since we are going to talk about fun and interesting facts about liturgical books and accessories that will complement your general knowledge. In the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, the primary liturgical books are the Roman Missal and the Roman Breviary. In terms of accessories, these can be plates, candles, and a crucifix. Keep on reading and understand all there’s to it down below.
What is liturgy?
This term applies to anything that is performed publicly and within groups as a form of a ritual for a specific religion. For Catholics, this can be the service when wine and crackers, also known as the blood and body of Christ are given. It is something that happens in the proper religious place or facility, such as (in this case) a church. This is why certain items or accessories can be linked and deeply connected with your religion more so than others.
8 Interesting Facts to know about Liturgical Books and Accessories
1. Understand the clothing

You’ll often see priests and other clergy members wearing unique shirts, types of dresses, or robes when expressing their thoughts on religion. All of these items look different since it is vital to recognize and tell apart different members of the community. This is why priests have specific garments. Clerical clothing is usually made from low-maintenance textiles like linen, polyester, or cotton.
2. Their history and origin
Always, the server brings the sacramentary to the priest so that he might recite the opening prayer. The reader approaches the ambo and reads from the lectionary. In the early church, worship was conducted by improvisation. Everything was heavily influenced by rituals and texts practiced by the Jewish synagogue.
3. What are different liturgical books?

The Roman Rites have officially issued books that contain the words of the prayers that one has to recite.
The primary liturgical books are:
- The Roman Missal
- The Roman Pontifical
- The Roman Ceremonial of Bishops
- The Roman Divine Office
- The Roman Rituals
- The Roman Martyrology
- The Roman Memorial of Rites
4. What about gradual?
The gradual was the principle book used by the choir in the medieval mass, and it was supplemented by the sequential. It is a book that is done in such a poetic way, often recited when read out loud. It also provides all the texts for the portions of the mass spoken by the priest.
5. Missal

The 13th century was an important period and part of Christians. The individual sections of the juxtaposed missal became further integrated to form what is now called the missal. It is used and divided into 3 sections, based on the feast that you are having, such as for Christmas, Easter, etc.
6. Gospel book
This one has a part of the New Testament: the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Gospel books were often so well-executed and super lavish. You could also see the images of the evangelists and elaborate incipit pages with these books. These were always pristine and amazing in terms of their condition.
7. Epistolary & Pontificial

Passages from these texts, along with some from other Old and New Testament books were contained within the epistolary. A lot of Byzantine examples matched the luxury of other types of books of readings.
Pope or the bishop could do some ceremonies, and therefore a book known as a pontifical was developed to contain the texts needed for those purposes. Instructions for ordaining clergy, confirming individuals, dedicating churches and altars, etc.
8. Common liturgical items
Liturgical objects used in church are the chalice, paten, pyx, ciborium, cruets, lavabo towel and pitcher, candles, and others! The elevated portion of the church is where the clergy and other ministers perform their proper functions in the worship of God. The sanctuary symbolizes heaven. This is why one might need sacred oils, alb, Book of the Gospels, and bells in their home or when attending a ceremony.
FAQ about symbols, liturgy and books
Which book is used for Catholic Mass?
The book in this case is the Roman Missal. The opening chant is the liturgical celebration of the Eucharist for many Christian denominations.
What are the parts of the liturgy?
The liturgy is divided into two main parts: The Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
How many Eucharistic prayers are there?
There are four Eucharistic Prayers for different needs.
What is a Catholic prayer book?
It is a book containing prayers for his or her reader. It also has devotional readings, for private or communal use, or in some cases, outlining the liturgy of religious services.
What is the current classification of liturgical books?
There is a lot of books, and all of them were classified as seven important kinds: the Missal, the Pontifical, the Liturgy of the Hours, the Ritual, the Martyrology, the Gradual, and the Antiphonary.
Is Quran a part of the liturgical books?
No, it is not. It is a separate book that has no connection to previously mentioned kinds.
Want to shop and get your hands on these precious liturgical items?
If you want your home to be decorated with some liturgical accessories or items, we recommend checking out This way, your home, and your religion will become a lot more apparent and bright, often emphasized in such a humble way. On there, you can find The Bible, priest stoles, small or big cross, Mary statue, candlesticks, crucifixes, and many other items! You can decide if you want to use them at your home, service, or gift to someone else! All are quite durable yet affordable and will help you focus on your religion even more. Check their site out and find something that suits you.