Genelia D’Souza is an Indian movie actor, beloved by almost everyone. Fans of the actress were taken aback when she made a massive revelation recently. She took to Twitter to inform her fans about her personal battle with the widespread virus.
However, the eventual news is one of strength and positivity, so no need to worry. Restrictions and Pandemic-related protocols are easing down in the whole country. Although there seems to be no flattening of the curve. Especially in several states including Genelia’s state of Residence, i.e. Maharashtra.
Maharashtra is leading all charts in both active cases as well as future projections. The pandemic has already hit many celebrities in Mumbai. Recovery is well underway for the city but some big stars are coming in contact.

In the message by the actress, she discussed her condition and social isolation.
The Message by Genelia D’Souza:-
The message read-“I was tested COVID positive three weeks ago. I was asymptomatic for the last 21 days. With god’s grace, I tested COVID negative today. As much as I count my blessings that my battle with this disease has been much easier”
Also, she discussed the difficulties faced by her and sympathized with others. And there are some hidden problems that aren’t given much time towards.
She added-“I must admit that these last 21 days in isolation have been the most challenging for me to deal with. No amount of FaceTime & digital immersion can
kill the evil of loneliness. I am happy to be back with my family and loved ones.”

However, the fact is that She’s cured and happily with her family. Genelia D’Souza ended her message with a very hopeful and optimistic tone.
The actress concluded-“Surround yourselves with love…that’s true strength and it’s all
one needs. Test early, eat healthy, stay fit -the only way to fight this monster.
Love Genelia”