Hollywood Productions To Be Resumed In L.A. After June 12


Hollywood Television and Film productions have got a green signal in Los Angeles County to resume their production work from June 12. However, there are certain guidelines that are to be kept in mind regarding the safety of cast and crew amidst the ongoing Novel Corona Virus. Its been a couple of months since the production at Hollywood was halted due to the deadly spread of coronavirus.


When the Californian government announced the news of restarting the Hollywood productions, the health officials in L.A. County also gave the green light to the film industry. Hence, as of now, the Hollywood film industry in L.A. has full approval of starting the production of movies and other projects. This eventually means that all the restrictions that were imposed on the T.V. industry and film industry will be pulled off.

Why the Hollywood Productions are resumed?

Well, this decision was taken keeping in mind the fact, that the industries, laborers, and all the workers have experienced a huge loss in the lockdown period in which they were unable to work and earn.

On June 10, The Los Angeles Board of Supervisors and the Department of Public Health made an announcement regarding the resume of Hollywood production in L.A. County. Along with that announcement, the Department of Health also shared a list of safety measures and guidelines to be taken care of on Thursday.

Not only the Hollywood production, the gyms, museums, theatres, and hotels will also be getting the guidelines along with the upliftment of the lockdown imposed on them on June 11.

Now, whosoever wants to resume their work, need to follow a certain set of guidelines based on their type of work. Strictness will be there understanding the economic growth of the country and keeping in mind the needs and requirements of the people.