Horrified Bride’s Dove Release Goes Very Wrong As ‘Dead’ Bird Falls To Ground


A couple’s romantic gesture after the wedding went wrong!

As a sign of a romantic gesture, the couple released two doves into the air after leaving the church.

However, when the bride and groom released the two white doves after the end of the ceremony but the one the bride throws up doesn’t take flight and heads straight for the ground.

The video of the unfortunate moment which is believed to have happened in Britain had gone viral on Twitter when it was posted by a user named Laurie Jane.

She captioned the clip, writing, ‘Wait for the magic moment.’

In the footage, whilst surrounded by their loved ones, the newlyweds stand outside their wedding venue, both with a white dove in their hands.

Then after a few moments, they open their hands to let the birds fly free.

It is not known where the video was captured, but it is believed to have been filmed somewhere in the UK.

He groom’s bird successfully flies into the sir, but the bride’s dove plummeted straight toward the ground.

The video has been retweeted hundreds of times and watched more than 14,000 times.

Many social media users commented on the video and some also expressed their sympathy for the bird.

One replied: ‘What did she do to it…’

Another wrote: ‘The poor birdie, it must have died in her hands.

‘What’s funny about a poor bird suffocating,’ asked someone else.

Earlier this year, people were urged not to release doves at weddings by a community organization Winged Warriors.

In a post on Facebook, they said: ‘Please don’t release doves at your wedding.

‘During ‘dove releases,’ birds are let out of a cage, and event attendees likely assume that they have been ‘set free’ and will live happily ever after.

‘I wish this were true. Sadly the moment these birds are released their fate is sealed and many will die.

‘These poor domesticated birds have zero survival skills. They’ve no idea how to find food for themselves and they’ve little understanding of predators… It’s on par with dumping your dog or cat on the street.’