Hugh Jackman: The Wolverine star being accused of diplomacy for Black Lives Matter movement.

(IMAGE: Pinterest)

After the brutal killing of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement has been going stronger and larger throughout the world. Many celebrities and public figures have also come forward to support the protests and take part in them. Meanwhile, Hugh Jackman seems to be adopting a diplomatic approach towards the movement. Here’s why the actor is being slammed on social media.

The Black Lives Matter movement

The movement Black Lives Matter started after an African-American man named George Floyd was killed by a white policeman. The policeman Derek Chauvin knelt on his knees for over 9 minutes till Floyd died. The officer didn’t move away even though Floyd kept pleading. Also, the medical staff reportedly found the officer in the same position when they reached the scene for rescue.

So, this led to violent protests around the US and the movement is now being supported by people around the globe. Many celebrities like John Boyega, Selena Gomez, and Hugh Jackman have expressed their anger for what happened and demanded justice for Floyd.

Ongoing protests
(IMAGE: Pinterest)

Why did Huge Jackman get into trouble?

Jackman is one among the large number of celebrities who have been extending their support through social media and urging their followers to join the cause. He first shared a picture supporting Black Lives Matter and expressed his emotions about what happened with Geoge Floyd. In addition, Hugh Jackman also posted a picture with a black background to show his support for the protest and #blackouttuesday.

But, the next post on his Instagram account was what got him into huge trouble and criticism. Different people are adopting a different perspective of looking at the picture. But, the majority of the reactions look enraged. Have a look at the post that subjected him to accusations of diplomacy.

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SOLIDARITY. Repost @tanksgoodnews

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Well, only Hugh will be able to clarify his stand about this controversy. The caption “SOLIDARITY” suggests that he want people to demand justice but not lose their unity. Some fans are accusing the 52-year-old star of trying to protect the image of the police by showing only the good things and ignoring police brutality.

Is Hugh Jackman really at fault?

Multiple footages of police brutally beating up peaceful protestors have surfaced recently. Furthermore, the man who killed Floyd was also a policeman. Hence, people are furious about the picture that Hugh Jackman posted on his Instagram account.

Conclusively, no one can really tell what he meant or if he was wrong. Jackman is probably trying to urge people to not hate each other at this crucial time. Or maybe, he is actually being a diplomat about the issue. Everyone has different opinions about this but the protestors and his fans look highly disappointed after this post.