In 2024, everything’s digital, but Paytm, the largest payment app is in jeopardy. For the users of the digital payment application, it’s a massive surprise. This came when they couldn’t see the app on Play Store. Also, For a country like India, where almost all mobile-users use Android and get apps straight from the Google Play Store, it is panic time.
However, with time, we do have some more clarity of Google‘s action and the reason. Google informed the payment startup executives that the show is going to be taken down for multiple policy violations. What’s more interesting is that it’s related to “Gambling”, which is one thing that’s unacceptable by law and policy.

Response from Paytm towards the application publishing giant:-
One97 Communications Pvt., which is the parent company that owns Paytm, is now countering the Google narrative. The corporations president, Madhur Deora, gave an official press statement on the whole situation.
“You’ve got a player which regulates India’s digital ecosystem, while competing with many companies in the same ecosystem, They have all the levers and can decide which app can be brought down and when — how is that not a problem?”
Also, the company was quick to reach out to its users, trying to calm them down. However, any person who’s got their wallet full of cash in their virtual wallet must be taxing it on their minds. Following this is the announcement put out by the E-Commerce application.
“Your Money is Safe with us – the Paytm Android App will be back on Google Play Store shortly.”

What was the very basis of the elimination?
During severe outcry by users, it’s always important to know the very basis of what started this meltdown. Google Ply store representatives were quick to point out that this action wasn’t due to competition of rivalry, but an actual policy violation.
The matter blew up regarding the Paytm Cricket League contest that premiered on Friday morning. This topical challenge gave chances to users to win stickers featuring their favourite cricket players. And then win cash for every five stickers that they end up collecting.
The first information output by google spokesperson was:-
“We don’t allow online casinos or support any unregulated gambling apps that facilitate sports betting, This includes if an app leads consumers to an external website that allows them to participate in paid tournaments to win real money or cash prizes, it is a violation of our policies.”
Both parties must realize that they take any decision while keeping in mind the interest of users. They just want to have control over their financial investment in the virtual pocket of Paytm.