Sepulcher of the First One Raid is the final raid of the Shadowlands expansion. This is a special place in the region of Zereth Mortis, an ancient place of power where all the secrets of Progenitors, or, as they are called, The First Ones are hidden. In this act of history, players will have to leave The Jailer and prevent him from using secret knowledge to rewrite the rules of the entire universe.
Among all WoW raids, this one stands out not only for a large number of bosses and encounters with famous characters from the World of Warcraft universe but also for special loot. Some of the achievements associated with the mythical dungeons of this add-on cannot be obtained without going through this location and defeating The Jailer.
One of the most discussed topics on the international forums dedicated to the game is related to the SotFO LOCATION, the location of the raid. According to lore, all information about it is classified, residents and guests of the city of secrets of Korthia are forbidden to discuss SotFO with strangers and even allies. True, the most harmful NPCs will not be able to hide this secret from the players.

The detailed tactics of the passage depending on the group that passes the dungeon, and therefore there is no point in discussing how to clear it. What all players need to know is the set of bosses they will encounter during their playthrough. First you need to defeat Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle, the first boss, the guard of the location, and then go deep into the Sepulcher. There are 11 encounters in total, including The Jailer boss fight.
According to, the sepulcher of the First One’s Boost is a popular service for those who want to complete the final dungeon in WoW Shadowlands with guaranteed and time-free completion.
Professional teams guide clients through this dungeon without any problems and delays, ensuring that unique items from this location are obtained as quickly as possible, as well as speedy clearing of bosses and obtaining all achievements related to Sepulcher of the First Ones.
Here is what the list of significant enemies looks like (in typical battle order):
- Vigilant Guardian;
- Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle;
- Artificer Xy’mox;
- Prototype Pantheon;
- Lihuvim, Principal Architect;
- Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener
- Halondrus the Reclaimer;
- Anduin Wrynn;
- Lords of Dread;
- Rygelon;
- Zovaal, The Jailer.
Encounters increase in difficulty and the battle with the famous Anduin will definitely be remembered by everyone who is familiar with the history of this world. Although the battle with The Jailer is definitely the highlight of the entire World of Warcraft Shadowlands expansion. Battles with Anduin Wrynn and The Jailer will guarantee item drops of ilvl 246 and higher depending on the difficulty. As usual, items in Mythic will have the highest quality.
In total, you will need to go through 4 wings of the location:
- Wing 1: Cornerstone of Creation, where you will need to defeat 3 bosses;
- Wing 2: Ephemeral Plains with 4 bosses;
- Wing 3: Domination’s Grasp with 3 bosses (Anduin Wrynn is waiting here);
- Wing 4: The Grand Design where you will meet the final boss of The Jailer.
Why do you need the WoW Sepulcher of the First Ones Boost service?

Completing this dungeon in Raid Finder or Normal mode is not extremely difficult for most players, but Heroic and Mythic require maximum concentration, a well-coordinated team, and high-level items.
What is boosting in World of Warcraft?
World of Warcraft will turn 18 in 2024. Over the years, the multiplayer sandbox has released a dozen major additions, as well as a restart of the classic version. In the new Shadowlands add-on, players will have to go to the Dark Lands and stop the main villain The Jailer until he puts his plan to destroy the world into action.
In addition to the fascinating plot, many users in the game are interested in various kinds of achievements and toys that can be collected on their accounts. Over the 18 years of the game’s existence in the project’s collection, you can find more than 600 unique mounts, hundreds of toys, rare achievements, pets, set kits, and transmogs.
Collecting all this is beyond the power of one player, so in this article, we will talk about what boosting is and how it helps in achieving specific goals.
Advantages of boosting in online games

Boosting refers to the help of professional players in character development, whether it be leveling up a new class, completing difficult dungeons, or killing a raid boss. By ordering a WoW boosting service, you save time, because another person will take care of the task. You can do this on the respective platforms by contacting support or leaving a ticket.
The main advantages of boosting in World of Warcraft:
- getting a high rating in the arena;
- passing the epochal raid and achieving the rare achievement “Cutting Edge”;
- Successful completion of Mythic Dungeons in the high key timer;
- the discovery of rare mounts, toys and achievements that will not be available in the future.
Many players have given years of their lives to this game, completing difficult challenges. But every time there is less and less time for a new addition. Someone has got a family, a successful job, or decided to devote more time to learning a difficult profession. But I don’t want to part with my favorite game that brings pleasure.
Therefore, the WoW boost service is becoming more and more relevant. There is nothing wrong with using boosting in the game. Even popular players like Asmongold, who has been playing WoW since its release, are turning to third-party services.
There are more than 500 mounts in his collection, rare achievements, and he is a casual player who does not devote much time to mastering raids, let alone the arena. Although all these mounts drop just for the maximum rank in PVP or killing the last boss in a mythic raid.
How much does boosting cost

There is no exact answer to this question, since the price is always different. In many ways, the cost of boosting depends on the specific service:
- boosting the character to the maximum level;
- achievement discovery;
- passing a raid;
- closing in the dungeon timer;
- character rating increase in PVP.
To avoid scammers, it is recommended to pay attention not to ads from single players, but to specialized platforms. The cost of this will be higher, but the chance that you will be deceived will be zero. In addition, professional boosters do everything efficiently and quickly. There will be no incidents or force majeure with account blocking.
As a result, boosting allows you to upgrade your account quickly and efficiently. And this is not a scam, since many gamers use this practice. Even if you are not well versed in the gameplay, you do not have time to study complex mechanics, this still does not prevent you from enjoying the emotions of a good game.