V Wars Season 2: What To Expect Now And Things You Need To Know


V Wars is a series made on a graphical novel written by Jonathan Marbury. And it is produced by William Laurin and Glenn Davis, and also by the many amazing writers of the series.

V Wars looks at a world that is becoming a survivor to massive vampire people due to the spreading of an ancient virus and climate change and things like that. As the vampire population continues to increase and the world becomes highly dangerous. Scientists, most importantly, Ian Somerhalder’s Dr. Luther Swann, work hard to develop a medicine for all of this while they struggle in many ways.

Swann, one of the main characters, is caught up in a particularly difficult situation when his close friend, Michael Fayne (Adrian Holmes), becomes a vampire, and he phases this massive problem on a very intimate level. The first season of V Wars – the ramble vampire epic, get famous on Netflix on December 2019.

V Wars Season 2 Release Date


It is hard to say accurately when the next season of V Wars would hit. Still, if the team is already doing a lot of work on this season, then it could arrive by the ending of the year like December 2024 to match the holiday release of the first season.

V Wars Season 2 Story Might be

V Wars upcoming season will no doubt see Dr. Luther Swann facing a stronger-than-ever Blood Nation to get his son back form all this. Still, there may be an even stronger hint in place if the series continues to follow Maberry’s V Wars source material carefully. The second V Wars-Blood and Fire, look at the weak alliance between humans and vampires. It is almost arriving at the end of humans and vampires attacking more aggressively than ever before they had shown. With particular characters meeting with a specific purpose in the season one end, it would not be a surprise for V Wars to get new characters for the season. Somerhalder has said in one of his interviews that an exciting new father-and-daughter duo enters the picture.