Rogue One Star Felicity Jones Teases Her Interest To Return To Star Wars


From The Aeronauts, by manager Tom Harper, that premieres before departing Amazon Prime at the close of the month, Felicity Jones plays the use of a hot air balloon pilot, focusing on a mission that interrupts death. This isn’t the first time he plays with a stubborn personality with a dangerous endeavor. While that film was just separate, Felicity Jones of Rogue One might like to play with Jyn Eros again. When asked about the chance, he explained:

I’d love it’s an excellent character to play with. I left a picture. Perhaps she could be reconstructed.
Though his character’s Destiny at the rogue character reduces the chance (although not impossible), Felicity Jones would like the opportunity to play with Jin Erso again, since he advised Business Insider. Despite all of the connections and WhatsApp, the celebrity appears to have had a fantastic time doing the very first, so far, just practical, the Star Wars anthology movie, and will be entirely on board to the next round.

Felicity Jones enjoys the personality of Jean Eros. Also, it appears that translating it was an enriching and pleasurable experience. Consequently, if the chance were to ramble, Felicity Jones would say. The issue with this is that opportunity is deemed unfair given the fact that it ends with a suicide assignment to attain the Death Star plans together with all the rogue Destiny at the scarf.

So much in Star Wars, the characters never return into life, but they can come back from death as ghosts of the workforce.

Diego Luna Rogue will once more show his position as the rebel detective at a series without a name in the first pair of Disney + occasions. On the outside, this might be a bright spot for Phoenicity Jones to perform Jean Erso again, but it wouldn’t make sense.


It could be an exciting period to detect, but even at the Cassian Andor show it actually would not work if you jump from 1 facet to another between their standpoint and theirs, because the two would not meet. He should also have been young during this interval.

Nevertheless, more concerning Jyn Eros is shown in comics, novels, and other Star Wars service materials. Much like Felicity Jones, he also received a complete plaque for films, but he might have returned to Star Wars at a particular stage as an alien.

You can now observe the Aircraft launch Felicity Jones at a restricted version and Amazon Prime on December 20. Have a look at our 2024 premiere calendar to visit theatres next year.