Here Is The Review Of Netflix Docuseries “The Confession Killer”


Can it be a documentary about a serial.killer or that of a murder mystery, lovers were not disappointed. Netflix is set with another docuseries.

Netflix’s new job name The Confession killer revolves round among the most infamous serial killers in American History. The story is all about Henry Lee Lucas, a guy with a reduced IQ who, following having a 1983 arrest, goes to confess to countless murders he committed spanning the total United States.

The Gist of the story nevertheless lies
Director Robert Kenner and Taki Oldham(manufacturer, Merchants of Doubt) has done a superb and quite a tremendous job. They’ve remembered something that occurred years back, and also some new signs are at the forefront.

Is This Person Telling The Truth? IF Not Subsequently Why?
Furthermore, intriguing about the story is what could lead a person to admit his crimes all of a sudden? Even if he’s innocent, why would he even own up to these heinous killings? There’s a doubtful or quite ambiguous trend in Lucas. He needs to die; then, he would like to live. He wants the charge, then again, he does not.

Based on Henry Lee Lucas, he’s killed both women and men, young and old in dozens of nations. Even though the larger question is that he is telling the truth? How has he capable of direct law enforcement often? You need to see it find out the responses.