Marvel Comics: All the Previews releasing on Wednesday

First Marvel Comic

Marvel Comics, a high brand, introduced us to many superheroes. This comic platform was first known as Timely Comics, set up in 1939 under New York magazine, since then Marvel superheroes wooed all the realms with their superpowers. From 1951 it gained the name Atlas and then decisively was named as Marvel.

The first superhero by Marvel was Human Torch subsequently started the appearance of our well known Marvel heroes and heroines.

First Marvel Comic
The first Marvel comic cover!

New Marvel Comics this week!

The Comics set to release new books on Wednesday, August 12, 2024, continuing to quench the readers’ thirst for more.

Our big list continues:

Star Wars: The Action Figure Variant Covers #1 by Harrold, Christopher

– Empyre: Avengers #2 by Zub, Magno

Empyre: X-Men #3 by Brisson, Broccardo

Star Wars: Darth Vader #4 by Pak, Ienco

– Hawkeye: Freefall #5 by Rosenberg, Schmidt

– Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #5 by Dennis “Hopeless” Hallum

Empyre #5 by Ewing, Schiti

– Ghost-Spider #9 by Mcguire, Guara

X-Force #11 by Percy, Bazaldua

Marauders #11 by Duggan, Caselli

Captain Marvel #19 by Thompson, Smith

Venom #27 by Cates, Gedeon

Immortal Hulk #36 by Ewing, Bennett

– Amazing Spiderman #46 by Spencer, Ferreria

Release of these 15 previews, made the fans go wild with anticipation. Waiting for more of these in the future!!!

What releases Marvel Comic has in 2024?

More of Marvel Comics like Spiderman, Star, Ant-man, Valkyrie, Force Works, Empyre, Ghost-Spider, Immortal Hulk, Maestro, Fantastic Four, Marvel Tales, Marvel Zombies, Black Widow, Cable, Ravencroft, Wolverine, Avengers of Wastelands, Guardians of the Galaxy, Hawkeye, Sword Master, New Mutants, Miles Morales and many more of such comics await.

Spiderman-one of the most sold Marvel comic, is a legend. These comics dates back to significant decades and still is a major-league amongst all ages.

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