Marvel’s The Avengers remains as a fictional story created by the Marvel Universe. It features many superheroes together fighting of the betterment and removal of evils from our universe. This movie got developed into a film series, with its first release on 2012. The other three are: Age of Ultron (2015), Infinity War (2018), and Endgame (2019). All the movies of this franchise have gained the popularity. And it seems included under the most highest-grossing film list. The fanbase also remains quite huge, internationally.
Avengers ANEW!
The pandemic makes it hard for any of us to know the clear updates about this film. The other movies by the Marvel Cinematic Universe which declared to be released in 2020 now will release in 2021. The fans have felt disappointed due to the shift in dates after the considerable excitement.
Now, Avengers 5 remains as the most discussed topic among the fans. The fifth instalment of the movie series seems likely to happen. But, according to the reports, only Thor will feature as the original Marvel lineup of this franchise. Thor remains as one of the most sought after superhero, especially his obsession with the hammer.
The Eternals and The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, might serve as the plot continuation for the Avengers 5. The phase four of Marvel Cinematic Universe remains to be out on the screens. But, with new villains and superheroes, what Marvel will bring surely serves as the most exciting question.
Some reports even claim Shuma-Gorath as the possible villain in the new instalment. Shuma-Gorathseems also known as the Lord of Chaos. He is one of the mightiest and oldest creatures, making it slightly more interesting. Doctor Strange, the Fantastic Four, Monica Rambeau, and the Avengers have all battle with this Lord of Chaos.

Release of the fifth!?
The official statement regarding the release still needs to come out. But, we surely do not expect it to be out anytime soon.
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