When is 13 Reasons Why season 4 released? What’s going to happen?

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13 Reasons Why is, in some ways, is a murder mystery. 13 Reasons Why is a study in how we treat one another. It examines the “small” aggressions we commit that cause unimaginable pain and the larger ones that become even more painful when they told we must “move on” from them. It’s also an unflinching, realistic look on particularly challenging topics, including rape, suicide, and depression.

And, I will warn you now: it’s not an easy show to watch. 13 Reasons Why makes poignant points about what we owe one another as humans, but this is not The Breakfast Club or even Perks Of Being A Wallflower. This show is not kind — also if it implores its characters to be.
It is, however, very, very important — especially for teens, their parents, and any authority figure who deals with either. You haven’t seen teen television like this before, and it’s about time it existed.

13 Reasons Why season 1 recap: What happened in the first series?

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The Netflix teen drama is based on the young adult novel of the same name by Jay Asher.

13 Reasons Why tells follows the tragic death of Hannah Baker (played by Katherine Langford), who takes her own life following a series of events at her high school.

Through a series of flashbacks, audiences found out about Hannah’s life before she ended it. Not long after her death, Hannah’s best friend Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette) finds a pile of audio cassette tapes in a box on his doorstep.

As he starts to listen to each one, he realises that they recorded by Hannah and details the 13 reasons why she chose to take her own life. Each side of the tapes focuses on a different person, whom she attributes to her suicide.

Season 2 Summary

13 Reasons why

Skye and Clay are dating, but Clay starts to have hallucinations of Hannah. Mr Porter confronts Bryce in the bathroom about raping Hannah. Jessica returns to school, as does Alex who survived his suicide attempt but has lost much of his memory from before it, including the contents of Hannah’s tapes

13 Reasons Why Season 3 Recap

For those who thought that 13 Reasons Why season 3 pivot from a story of a young woman’s death by suicide and its painful aftermath, to a straight-up murder mystery, don’t get it twisted: 13 Reasons Why is not season 1 of Riverdale. Though it does incorporate noir tropes — Clay (Dylan Minnette) and new character Ani (Grace Saif) play detectives with their agendas here — the show is still a lens into the darker side of 2019’s youth. Rape culture, homophobia, drug use, gun violence: 13 Reasons Why wraps what could be considered issues-of-the-week on a different teen drama into one sprawling, if bleak, coming-of-age story. The problem here is how much misery will these teenagers have to endure just to come of age? In case you thought; otherwise, the kids are still not right on 13 Reasons Why, and probably won’t be until the end of the fourth and the final season.

What’s going to happen in 13 Reason’s Why?

Katherine Langford as Hannah Baker in 13 Reasons Why season one (Netflix, JG)

Following appearances in the first and second seasons, Katherine Langford did not feature in season three as Hannah Baker. However, it’s not out of the realms of possibility that her character could reappear in flashbacks next season — likewise her on-screen parents, Kate Walsh as Olivia Baker and Brian d’Arcy James as Andy Baker.

The murder of Bryce Walker was central to season three, so. At the same time, Justin Prentice’s character is now six feet under, possible he could reappear in flashbacks – and just because Bryce is gone, that doesn’t rule out further appearances from Brenda Strong as his mother, Nora.

Derek Luke was a regular as Liberty High School’s counsellor in the show’s first two seasons. His character was fired in season two, but made a guest appearance in season three – could he resurface again next season?

When 13 Reasons Why season 4 released on Netflix?

On August 1, 2019, Netflix announced that 13 Reasons Why would be returning for a fourth season. There’s no official release date yet, and it’s hard even to make an educated guess as to when it might be – there’s been no set release pattern for the show since it launched at the end of March 2017, with season two dropping in May 2018 and the third season in August 2019. It’s a safe bet, though, that the next season will span 13 episodes, like the three before it. We bet that we won’t see 13 Reasons Why season 4 released until late 2024 at the earliest.

The cast of 13 Reason’s Why:

  • Dylan Minnette as Clay Jensen
  • Christian Navarro as Tony Padilla
  • Alisha Boe as Jessica Davis
  • Brandon Flynn as Justin Foley
  • Miles Heizer as Alex Standall
  • Ross Butler as Zach Dempsey
  • Devin Druid as Tyler Down
  • Amy Hargreaves as Lainie Jensen
  • Anne Winters as Chlöe Rice
  • Steven Weber as Gary Bolan
  • Grace Saif as Ani Achola