After Life Season 2 Ending Simplified

After Life Season 2 (IMAGE: Pinterest)

After Life is an awesome dark comedy series and Season 2 of After Life started streaming on April 24th on Netflix. We have explained the ending of this season for you. Have a look!

Fans just can’t hold themselves back from watching all the episodes in one go. After all, we’ve waited for more than a year to watch the second season! This season was for sure a blend of various emotions.

After Life Season 2 Ending

At the beginning of the season, we see Tony lamenting the death of his wife Lisa. He had vowed to keep living and is trying very hard to gradually heal from the deep pain. But, his efforts soon start to fade as he struggles to put up with what happened in his life.

In the penultimate episode of After Life Season 2, which is the 5th one, we see another damage happen in Tony’s life. His father Ray, who was suffering from dementia passes away. Though Tony had said that he was somehow prepared for the loss of his father, he found it difficult to face his death when it occurred. Since the diagnosis, Ray had been living in a care home.

Tony used to visit him every day. Emma, who was Ray’s nurse was a lady for whom Tony had some confusing feelings. She had denied seeing him anymore as he didn’t want to be in a relationship. So, After Life Season 2 shows Tony facing great difficulties one after the other.


What happened to Tony and Emma in the end?

Emma rejects Tony shortly after his father’s funeral. Tony wished to continue seeing Emma but, he wanted to go with the flow and take things slowly. Clearly, Emma had a contrasting stand. In the final scene, Tony is almost about to take away his life by an overdose. He watches Lisa’s video and shatters from within.

Fortunately, Emma had changed her mind by deciding to give the relationship a shot. Unaware of what was about to happen, she reached Tony’s house at the right time and Tony welcomed her in with a smile.

After Life Season 2
(IMAGE: Pinterest)

Other characters at the end of season 2

The last episode of After Life season 2 also left us with expectations about the other characters and relationships. Anne and Paul are seen walking in the graveyard. Tony had introduced them to each other in a drama show.

Besides that, in the 6th episode, Paul and Roxy were sitting together sipping coffee. Fans were more than happy to see them continue dating each other. Tony’s brother-in-law Matt and his wife also decided to get back together. Their marriage was shown to be on the verge of falling apart in the first two seasons.

An image posted by Ricky (Tony) on his Instagram account
(IMAGE: Instagram @rickygervais)

After Life Season 3

Well, it’s been less than a week since the second season released. So, it is too soon to expect an announcement of the third season.

However, the creator, lead character and writer of the series, Ricky Gervais has said that he would be delighted to do another season. He has always been very vocal about the love he has for the story, his character, the setting, and almost everything related to After Life.

Let’s wait till there is a confirmation about the renewal of the series!