Heartbroken Parents Find Son, 10, Dead In Room After ‘He Slipped While Playing’


A little boy named Isaac Lyons, who is just a 10-year-old, was found dead in his bedroom by his parents on the morning of 12th August.

He was wearing a Roman Soldier Costume.

Lyons’s Mother Claire, aged 43 and Father Mike, aged 45, had put him and his siblings in bed at around 7:30 pm as they were going trip to Alton Towers the following day.

In a shocking turn of events, when the duo went to wake Isaac for the trip, what they found was his lifeless body.

They had not heard any disturbance during the night.

The Family lives in Stapleford, Nottinghamshire.

While expressing their grief, they said his death has left a massive hole in their hearts and is a ‘waste of a wonderful young man.’

The couple had four kids, and Isaac was the oldest of four children.

His parents described him as ‘a kind, funny, and passionate’ youngster, with ‘an extraordinary imagination’ and that his personality still radiates around the house.

Isaac was obsessed with Marvel’s character and was very excited for the day ahead and was playing dress-up in his room when he slipped.

The family went on a trip to Cumbria and had just come back.

Isaac’s parents said that he had seen Hadrian’s Wall for the first time and became fascinated with Roman history.

While explaining the tragic incident, Claire said, “What we think happened is he could not sleep because he was so excited. He had got up, taken off his pajamas, and dressed up as a Roman.

‘It was an accident; he slipped while playing. He died instantly.

‘How does your child die in his bedroom and we did not know? I don’t think I will ever come to terms with this. I would hear a shout.

“It was tragic and sudden.”

The death took place just two days before Isaac’s sisters, Grace’s ninth birthday.

Lyon’s Family has been devastated by such a tragic and unexpected death of Isaac.

Mike, who is an ex-soldier, said, ‘He was playing, having fun, and then it stopped. In the time that will help, but now it does not. It will be a comfort that he did not suffer.

‘He was our superhero. He was everything to us. It was an awful loss and a waste of a wonderful young man.’

Isaac’s Mother, Claire, added, ‘If he were interested in something, it would be his whole world, and he was profoundly caring of others.

‘If an advert for UNICEF came on, he would be in floods of tears and wanted us to give them money, or he would find a toy he could donate.’

Mike, who served in the Royal Engineers for 18 years, added: ‘If we wasted any food, he would get upset because there were people in the world that didn’t have any. He was very thoughtful and kind.

‘He planned to buy the house next door to ours so he could look after his grandparents and not have to move away from us.’

Mike and Claire said Isaac was a ‘rainbow baby’ as was a healthy baby born after a previous miscarriage and was followed by his sisters, Grace, Florence, and Merry.

The local community supported Lyons’s Family very much, and the Family feels overwhelmed by the support they received.

Isaac’s funeral is scheduled to take place next month.

An inquest into his death has not yet been opened, but a file is being prepared for the coroner.

A Justgiving page has also been set up to support the Family, raising £5,000, with the money going to a memorial plot for their ‘beautiful boy.’